- Simplified handling of input/output in `LocalRunner`. Instead of firing up
reader threads, this version uses `select`. This seems to actually work in
all cases now (PTY vs non-PTY), but it won't work on Windows. It also breaks
the Paramiko remote runner strategy (since `NonBlockingStreamReader` was
removed). It might be possible to create a thread-based version of the same
- In `get_default_prepend_path`, bad asset paths are now skipped over and
a warning is printed. This fits with how non-existent path directories are
skipped. Previously, a bad asset path would cause a nasty `ImportError`.
- Improved `util.asset_path`:
- Inject `config` into path at top instead of at bottom.
- Raise a better error when a path contains an unimportable package.
- Added `clean` command.