
Latest version: v1.0a71

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- Improved/fixed/standardized how command results are processed. A
`Result` object is now created in most cases, except when a command
returns something that's not `None`, an `int`, or a `Result`.

When a command returns `None` or an `int`, 0 or the `int` is now
returned from `Command.console_script` instead of 1 (not sure what the
rationale behind returning 1 was in these cases).

Callbacks will now receive `Result` objects in most cases, which gives
them access to commands' stdout, etc.


- Fixed/improved callback handling. See 58be7ab86a26 for details.
- In `Printer`, moved default stream assignments for the various print
methods from keyword args into the method body. This allows
`sys.stdout` and `sys.stderr` to be redirected using
`contextlib.redirect_stdout` in tests.


- Made `data` property of `Command` instances read only.
- More args are now passed to command callbacks:
- `Command` instance (as before)
- result of running command
- `aborted` flag, which will be the same for *all* callbacks; this is
intended for use in base command callbacks for deciding how to do


- Added 1.0a57 change log.

- Added `is_type()` utility function and used it to tidy up code in a couple

- Added `Parameter` class to wrap `inspect.Parameter`. It has some convenience
functions that allows some code to be tidied.

- Fixed `Command.find_parameter()` so that it does what it says it does. In
particular, it now tries to find a parameter with the passed-in name before
normalizing the name and trying to find an _arg_ with that name (and then
retrieving the parameter from that arg). This allows parameters that don't
have a corresponding arg to be retrieved.

- Improved how args are passed down from base commands to subcommands.

The main change is that a given base arg will now be passed down to a
subcommand when it has a corresponding function _parameter_ rather than a
corresponding _arg_ as before (parameter = function parameter; arg = command
line arg).

This allows subcommands to have required keyword-only parameters that can
receive args from a base command. Since required keyword-only parameters
don't correspond to command line args, this forces these args to be passed to
the base command while still giving subcommands a way to get access to them
when needed.

The use case for this is args that need to be handled consistently at a
higher level. The specific use case that motivated this was handling "dry
run" functionality (esp. pertaining to database transactions).

- Constrained flake8 to <3.8 for now, since 3.8 is finding "errors" that aren't
errors--it's calling out quoted strings as undefined names in function arg
annotations 🤔


- Fixed `Data` class used for attaching arbitrary data to commands via `data`
attribute on `Command` instances (added in 1.0a55). Accessing the internal
data dict was causing infinite recursion.
- Improved `Data` so that when a `dict` is added it will be converted to
a `Data` object. This is for convenience and consistent access to nested
- Modified `Printer` to flush by default when the console is a TTY. This aligns
with what I assume is usually the desired behavior when running commands


- Default inverse short and long options are now only set for boolean
args. Previously, these would always be set up, which would cause
two short options to be consumed for every non-bool arg, which would
in turn keep the second short option from being used by another arg.
This regression was introduced in 1.0a52.
- Set the `base_name` attribute in `Command`'s constructor rather than
using a cached property. The cached property isn't needed, since the
base name is known in the constructor.

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