
Latest version: v1.0a71

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Added ability to attach arbitrary data to commands via `data`
attribute on `Command` instances. Data items can be accessed via dot
(attribute) or bracket (item) notation.
- Added command callbacks. These are called after the last command runs,
starting with the callbacks for the last command. Callbacks allow for
cleanup, post-run messages, etc.


- Fixed/improved subcommand arg passdown logic.
- Added `fill_char` arg to `` so a fill char other than `=`
can be used.


- Added `module` and `qualname` attributes to `Command` instances. These
correspond to the built in `__module__` and `__qualname__` attributes of
classes and can be used for introspection of a command. E.g., `module` can be
used to order commands by module in a command listing.
- Added support for command line completion for base commands used as console


- Improve inverse options.


- Commonly-used utilities are now exported from the top level package. This is
intended to reduce tedium when creating lots of commands spread across many
modules. Includes `abort`, `confirm`, and `printer`.
- Made it somewhat easier to specify subcommands by allowing
`base_command.subcommand` to be used as a decorator. This reduces the number
of imports needed when creating subcommands. It also looks nicer than
`subcommand(base_command)` IMO.
- Changed the default color of `` from info (blue) to header
(magenta) since that's the color I usually want HRs to be.
- Made it a little easier to specify colors in `printer` by allowing colors in
the color map to be accessed as attributes (in addition to item access).


- Common base command args are now passed down to subcommands.

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