
Latest version: v4.1.2

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Bug Fixes

* a few minor fixes
* add markdownlint
* back to corl
* **Dockerfile:** create new package stages
* **Dockerfile:** fix pip install
* **Dockerfile:** update for package dependencies, remove git clone
* **Dockerfile:** update path
* **gitlab-ci:** add target stage to build job
* **gitlab-ci:** allow mkdoc to fail
* **gitlab-ci:** simplify jobs
* **gitlab-ci:** update job name
* **gitlab-ci:** update semantic release
* **gitlab-ci:** update to python unit test
* **gitlab-ci:** update to the very latest pipeline
* **gitlab-ci:** update unit_test_dir in job
* **gitlb-ci:** update pipeline version
* got back to python
* minor fix for corl
* permissions on opt dir
* **pipeline:** fix pylint
* **releaserc:** add for sematic release
* relocate
* remove allowed to fail for mkdocs
* **** update for package versioning
* **** update path for
* some reorganizing
* update jobs and docker file again
* update jobs and dockerfile
* update path on Dockerfile
* update tags
* update to latest cicd
* **update-version-python:** add file for versioning
* **version:** add for semantic release

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