
Latest version: v0.3.1

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- Changes to /etc/resolv.conf (DNS client configuration) will now be seen by Sandstorm without a restart. This should fix a number of outgoing name lookup problems seen on machines where the network configuration changes frequently, especilaly laptops that change Wifi networks often.
- Fix app icons not showing when using `spk dev`.
- Fix weird rendering of the "most-used" row of the app list immediately after updating an app that wasn't in the top row.
- Fixed regressions in app search.
- Attempt to fix "session was never opened" error.
- Fix regression where "first user becomes admin" could apply to dev accounts.


- Internal bugfixes.


- Fix bug in app details page causing pages to be blank in the presence of very old sharing tokens that lacked certain expected metadata.


- Added app details page. Clicking on an app in the app grid now brings you to the details page rather than creating a new grain. From there, you can see your existing grains of that app and create new ones.
- Fixed problem where some apps would refresh to a 404 page when resuming a laptop from suspend.
- Sandstorm will now automatically repair its Mongo database after a dirty shutdown (e.g. power outage), rather than go into an infinite loop of Mongo failing to start.


- Fix bug causing Sandcats servers not to update their IP dynamically.


- Harden back-end code against possible front-end bugs that could inadvertently delete data. We do not believe any such bugs exist, but we like having extra layers of protection.

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