
Latest version: v0.3.1

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- The sharing UI can now directly send email with a sharing link, and has been reorganized. (More updates are coming in the next release.)
- The new app metadata format has been improved (in backwards-incompatible ways, but it wasn't being used yet).
- New `spk publish` command can publish apps to the upcoming app market.
- `spk verify --details` will now check the package's PGP signature if present and display the key ID.
- Fixed bug preventing first-time login through Github using a Github account that had no display name set.
- Fixed bug where logging in while viewing a sharing link did not correctly update the app to notify it that the user was now logged in.
- Lots of code refactoring in preparation for big changes coming soon.


- Fix sudden increase in log spam in 0.102 -- unnecessarily large full-HTML DNS TXT lookup error messages were being logged to the console; no more. In fact, now these are properly 404 errors as they should be.


- Emergency fix for bug that can cause startup failure in the presence of users that apparently have a `services` entry but no `profile`. The alpha server seems to have these but none of the test servers did.


- New icons designed by Nena!
- New account settings page allows setting display name, profile picture, preferred handle, and preferred pronouns, all of which are passed on to apps. These are auto-populated from the login provider as much as possible.
- App packages may now include metadata like icons, license information, description, screenshots, and more, for use in the Sandstorm UI and upcoming app market. Large blobs embedded this way (e.g. images) will be extracted and served via a new static asset serving subsystem with high cacheability (also used for profile pictures).
- You may now configure Sandstorm to run on port 80. The socket is bound before dropping privileges and passed into the front-end via parent->child file descriptor inheritance.


- Refactored CSS styling and accounts drop-down code. Please be on the lookout for bugs.
- Fixed bug where the admin settings page would simply say "Loading..." forever if the user was not authorized.


- Fix inability to configure Google/Github login accidentally introduced in v0.97 during security tightening.
- Add missing changelog for 0.99.

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