
Latest version: v0.3.1

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Minor release of the spec with one critical bug/consistency fix and a few tooling enhancements.

0.7.0 introduced a field to the app section of ImageManifests to allow users to specify supplementary group IDs. Unfortunately, this was implemented with inconsistent naming: `supplementaryGids` in the text of the spec itself, but `supplementaryGroups` in the schema code.

In this release we standardise both the spec and the schema to `supplementaryGIDs`. See 516 for more information.

Other changes in this release:
- Added a callback to BuildWalker in the aci package to allow users to modify tar entries while building an ACI (509)
- Added an `--owner-root` flag to acbuild to adjust the uid/gid of all files in an ACI to 0:0 (509)
- Added a `--supplementary-gids` flag to actool's patch-manifest subcommand to adjust the supplementary group IDs of an ACI (506, 516)
- Added the ability to extract labels in the `lastditch` package (508)
- Changed the behaviour of the `NewAppFromString` parser in the `discovery` package to URL-encode label values before parsing them (514)


Next major release of the spec, with a lot of tooling improvements, wording clarifications, and one breaking schema change from the previous release.


Minor release of the spec; the most important change is adjusting the type for
`annotations` to ACIdentifier (442). This restores the ability for annotation
fields to be namespaced with DNS names.

Other changes:
- Added new maintainer (Ken Robertson)
- Created to track changes instead of using git tags
- Fixed build scripts for FreeBSD (433)
- Fixed acirenderer to work properly with empty images with just a rootfs
directory (428)
- Added `arm6vl` as valid arch for Linux (440)



Renamed from xdg-app to Flatpak. Existing repositories should keep
working, and locally user installed apps/runtime will be migrated
automatically. However, there are some things that you have to be
aware of:
* The command names are now flatpak/flatpak-builder
* System-wide installed apps/runtimes need to be reinstalled
* flatpak-builder uses a ".flatpak-builder" subdirectory instead
of ".xdg-app-builder".
* The bus name and interface name for the permission
store is changed, it was in org.freedesktop.XdgApp, but is
now in org.freedesktop.impl.portal.DesktopPortal.
* The installation migration is a one-time operation so you can't
go back to xdg-app after updating.
* The library API (and name) changed due to the rename.

Other changes:
* Flatpak now hard-requires ostree 2016.5
* Switch from using xdg-app-helper to an included version of bubblewrap:
* Added a policykit-based system helper that allows you to authenticate
via polkit to install into the system repository.
* Added an experimental command to export/import applications and runtimes
as an OCI tarball.
* builder: Fix creation of locale extensions if there was no locale data in the
* Its now possible to disable/enable configured remotes.
* A lot of new tests where added, and we now support installed tests.
* builder now has an optional --arch argument for multiarch building.
* Builder modules can be disabled with "disabled": true.
* Using --filesystem=/tmp now hides the system X11 sockets.



* The way locale extensions work has changed. Now we build a single extension
for all locales, but we allow you to specify a subset of it during installation
and update time using the --subpath commandline flag.
The main reason for this is that the many extensions didn't scale, both in
technical terms (large ostree summary file size), but also in terms of the
UI listing hundreds of uninteresting things.
* We no longer use sizes in the commit objects to get installed and download size,
instead we store some extra metadata in the summary file. This allows us
to get much faster access to these, as with recent ostree versions we can
cache the summary file.
* New command xdg-app build-sign that lets you sign a commit at any time.
* New argument xdg-app build --force-clean that removes pre-existing build dirs.
* xdg-app run now uses the "current" version as the default if you specify no
branch or arch. It used to default to the "master" branch. This will default
to the last installed version, but can be changed with xdg-app make-current.
* Added config-opts to the build-options in xdg-app-builder. This allows you
to extend the configure flags in an arch dependent way.
* Documentation updates


* Make xdg-app-builder --build-only not export the results
* Create all-in-one Locale extension that combines all the locale extensions
* Extract icons for all appdata nodes when creating appstream
* Documentation updates
* Better handling of metadata in xdg-app-builder cache
* Respect the specified branch when exporting in xdg-app-builder
* Fix support for multi-arch with i386 userspace and 64bit kernel
* Avoid deprecated 32bit capabilities syscalls

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