
Latest version: v1.10.6

Safety actively analyzes 666181 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- services are now classes instead of modules.
Imports of services in the format `import as mm` must be
changed to `from import model_management as mm`.
- `host` and `user` parameters of `Session` renamed to `hostname` and `username` to align with SWAT.
- Only `InsecureRequestWarning` is suppred instead of all `HTTPWarning`

- Added `copy_analytic_store` method to `model_repository` service
- `AuthenticationError` returned instead of `HTTPError` if session authentication fails.


- public_model task also defines methods mapped to MAS module steps when publishing to MAS.
- SSL verification can be disable with `SSLREQCERT` environment variable.
- CAs to use for validating SSL certificates can also be specified through the `SSLCALISTLOC` environment variable.
- Added `execute_performance_task`

- Updated method signature for `create_performance_definition` in Model Manager.

- register_model task no longer adds `rc` and `msg` variables from MAS to the project variables.


Initial public release.

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