
Latest version: v1.10.3

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- `register_model` task should now correctly identify columns when registering a Sci-kit pipeline.


- Added the ability for `register_model` to correctly handle CAS tables containing data step
score code.


- Added `create_model_version` and `list_model_versions` to `model_repository`
- Added an explicit `ValueError` when attempting to register an ASTORE that can't be downloaded.
- Added `start` and `limit` pagination parameters to all default `list_*` service methods.
- Added `create_destination`, `create_cas_destination` and `create_mas_destination` methods for `model_publish` service.

- `Session.add_stderr_logger` default logging level changed to `DEBUG`.

- Fixed an issue where `model_repository` did not find models, projects, or repositories by name once pagination limits were reached.


- The `register_model` task now generates files for ASTORE models.


- Fixed problem causing `register_model` task to include output variables in the input variables list.


- CAS model table automatically reloaded on `publish_model` task.

- Fixed DS2 score code for CAS that was generated when registering a Python model.
- `PyMAS.score_code(dest='ESP')` corrected to `dest='EP'`
- Fixed an issue where long user-defined properties prevented model registration.

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