- Registered Python models will now include both `predict` and `predict_proba` methods.
- Added a new Relationships service for managing links between objects.
- Added a new Reports service for retrieving SAS Visual Analytics reports.
- Added a new Report_Images service for rendering content from reports.
- Additional metadata fields are set when registering an ASTORE model.
- Collections of items should now return an instance of `PagedList` for lazy loading of results.
- Module steps can now be called using `module.step(df)` where `df` is the row of a DataFrame or Numpy array.
- `register_model` sets additional project properties when registering an ASTORE model.
- Replaced the `raw` parameter of the `request` methods with a `format` parameter, allowing more control over the
returned value.
- The `get_file_content` method of the Files service now returns the actual content instead of the file metadata.
- JSON output when using `sasctl` from the command line is now formatted correctly.
- `model_publish.delete_destination` now works correctly.