
Latest version: v1.10.3

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Fixed an issue where string inputs to Python models were incorrectly handled by DS2.


- `PyMAS.score_code` now supports a `dest='Python'` option to retrieve the generated Python wrapper code.
- `register_model` task includes a `` file when registering a Python model.
- Improved error message when user lacks required permissions to register a model.

- Fixed an issue with CAS/EP score code that caused problems with model performance metrics.


- Added `update_performance` task for easily uploading performance information for a model.
- New (experimental) pyml2sas sub-package provides utilities for generating SAS code from Python gradient boosting models.
- New (experimental) methods for managing workflows added to `model_management` service.

- `register_model` task automatically captures installed Python packages.
- All `list_xxx` methods return all matching items unless a `limit` parameter is specified.
- Improved API documentation.
- Updated `full_lifecycle` example with performance monitoring.


- Registering an ASTORE model now creates an empty ASTORE file in Model Manager to be consistent with Model Studio behavior.

- `microanalytic_score.define_steps` now works with steps having no input parameters.
- Fixed an issue where score code generated from an ASTORE model lacked output variables.


- `model_repository.get_model_contents` no longer raises an HTTP 406 error.


- `put` request will take an `item` parameter that's used to automatically populate headers for updates.

- Convert NaN values to null (None) when calling `microanalytic_score.execute_module_step`.

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