
Latest version: v32.2.0

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Not secure

This is a major release with several new and improved features and bug

Some of the key highlights include:

License detection:

- Brand new, faster and accurate detection engine using multiple
techniques eventually doing multiple exhaustive comparisons of
a scanned file content against all the license and rule texts.

- Several new licenses and over 2500+ new and improved licenses
detection rules have been added making the detection significantly
better (and weirdly enough faster too as a side-effect of the new
detection engine)

- the matched license text can be optionally returned with the
`--license-text` option

- The detection accuracy has been benchmarked against other detection
engine and ScanCode has shown to be more accurate and
comprehensive than all the other engines reviewed.

- improved scoring of license matches

Package and dependencies:

- new and improved detection of multiple package formats: NPM, Maven,
NuGet, PHP Composer, Python Pypi and RPM. In most cases direct,
declared dependencies are also reported.

- several additional package formats will be reported in the future

- note: the structure of Packages data is evolving and should not be
considered API at this stage

Scan outputs:

- New SPDX tag/values and RDF outputs.

- new compact JSON format (the pretty printed format is still
available with the the `json-pp` format).
The JSON format has been changed significantly and is closer to a
documented, standard format that we call the ABC data format.

- Minor refinements on the html and html-app format. Note that the
html-app format will be deprecated and replaced by the new AboutCode
Manager desktop app (electron-based) in future versions.

- Copyright: Improved copyright detection: several false positive are
no longer returned and copyrights are more accurate

- Archive: support for shallow extraction and support for new archive
types (such as Spring boot shell archives)


- Everything is generally faster, and license detection performance
has been significantly improved.

- Scans can run on multiple processes in parallel with the new
`--processes` option speeding up things even further. A scan of a
full Debian pool of source packages was reported to scan in about
11 hours (on a rather beefy 144 cores, 256GB machine)

- Reduced memory usage with the use of caching

Other notes:

- This is the last release with Linux 32 bits architecture support
- The scan of a file can be interrupted after a timeout with a 120
seconds default
- ScanCode is now available as a library on the Pypi Python package
index for use as a library. The documentation for the library usage
will follow in future versions
- New `--ignore` option: You can optionally ignore certain file and
paths during a scan
- New `--diag option`: display additional debug and diagnostic data
- The scanned file paths can now reported as relative, rooted or
absolute with new command line options with a default to a rooted

Thank you to all contributors to this release and the 200+ stars
and 60+ forks on GitHub!

Credits in alphabetical order:

Alexander Lisianoi
Avi Aryan
Benedikt Spranger
Chin Yeung
Dennis Clark
Hugo Jacob
Jakub Wilk
Jericho attritionorg
Jillian Daguil
Jiri Popelka
John M. Horan
Jonathan "Jono" Yang
Li Ha
Michael Herzog
Michael Rupprecht
Nusrat Sultana
Paul Kunz
Philippe Ombredanne
Rakesh Balusa
Ranvir Singh
Richard Fontana
Sebastian Schuberth
Steven Esser
Thomas Gleixner
Tisoga forrestchang
Yash D. Saraf
Yash Sharma



New features

- The HTML app now displays a copyright holder summary graphic
- HTML app ui enhancements
- File extraction fixes
- New and improved license and detection rules
- Other minor improvements and minor bug fixes



New features

- The HTML app now display a license summary graphic
- Copyright holders and Authors are now collected together with copyrights
- New email and url scan options: scan for URLs and emails
- New and improved license and detection rules

These scans are for now only available in the JSON output



Minor bug fix

- In the HTML app, the scanned path was hardcoded as
scancode-toolkit2/scancode-toolkit/samples instead of displaying the path
that was scanned.



Minor features and bug fixes

- The release archives were missing some code (packagedcode)
- Improved --quiet option for command line operations
- New support for custom Jinja templates for the HTML output.
The template also has access to the whole License object to output full
license texts or other data. Thanks to ened Sebastian Roth for this.



New features and bug fixes

- Separated JSON data into a separate file for the html app.
- Added support for scanning package and file information.
- Added file and package information to the html-app and html output.
- improved CSS for html format output
- New and improved licenses rules and licenses.
- Added support for nuget .nupkg as archives.
- Created new extractcode standalone command for
Extracting archives is no longer part of the scancode command.
- Scancode can now be called from anywhere.
- Various minor improvements for copyright detection.

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