
Latest version: v32.2.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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This is a minor bugfix release.

There is a fix for an installation issue with the new "packaging" version 22.0.
This is replaced by a fork named "packvers" to work around

We also improved the compatibility for pre-built wheels and now build one
wheel for each Python version to work around some Python pickle bug.



This is a minor release to fix a typo in a date.



This is a minor release with small bug fixes and minor feature updates.

- Update SPDX license list to 3.18
- Improve how we discard license matches that are "gibberish"
- And new and improve existing license and license detection rules



This is a minor release with a bug fix.

- Do not display tracing/debug outputs at runtime



This is a minor release with critical bug fixes and minor updates.

- Fix a critical bug in license detection
- Add a few new licenses and license detection rules



This is a minor release with small bug fixes and minor updates.

- Fix minor bug in PyPI package assembly
- Add a few new licenses and license detection rules
- Update commoncode

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