
Latest version: v32.3.2

Safety actively analyzes 706267 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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New features

- The HTML app now display a license summary graphic
- Copyright holders and Authors are now collected together with copyrights
- New email and url scan options: scan for URLs and emails
- New and improved license and detection rules

These scans are for now only available in the JSON output



Minor bug fix

- In the HTML app, the scanned path was hardcoded as
scancode-toolkit2/scancode-toolkit/samples instead of displaying the path
that was scanned.



Minor features and bug fixes

- The release archives were missing some code (packagedcode)
- Improved --quiet option for command line operations
- New support for custom Jinja templates for the HTML output.
The template also has access to the whole License object to output full
license texts or other data. Thanks to ened Sebastian Roth for this.



New features and bug fixes

- Separated JSON data into a separate file for the html app.
- Added support for scanning package and file information.
- Added file and package information to the html-app and html output.
- improved CSS for html format output
- New and improved licenses rules and licenses.
- Added support for nuget .nupkg as archives.
- Created new extractcode standalone command for
Extracting archives is no longer part of the scancode command.
- Scancode can now be called from anywhere.
- Various minor improvements for copyright detection.



Minor bug fixes.

- fixed --verbose option
- Improved copyright and license detections (new rules, etc.)
- other minor improvements and minor bug fixes:
temptative fix for
- fixed for unsupported inclusion of Linux-32 bits pre-built binaries



New features and bug fixes

- scancode now ignores version control directories by default (.svn, .git, etc)
- Improved copyright and license detections (new rules, etc.)
- other minor improvements and minor bug fixes.
- experimental and unsupported inclusion of Linux-32 bits pre-built binaries

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