
Latest version: v0.28.11

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**New features**

`export_markers_to_csv` in DataStore enables exporting marker tables


Improved Docstrings (thanks to razofz)
Improved vignettes (thanks to JohanRodhe)
Removed stale shared libs for sgtsne.
Added `reset_previous` parameter to `filter_cells` in `DataStore`
Added `reset_cell_filter` parameter to ZarrMerge. All cell attributes are now copied into merged Zarr file



**New features**

Added new vignettes for multiple modalities. merging datasets and data projection


Existing vignettes updated.
Improvements in `H5adReader`
Fixes in requirements due to jinja3 update that was breaking RTD builds
Fixes in `drop` in Metadata
Improvements in `show_zarr_tree` in DataStore that allow printing tree from any node and to any depth
Improvements in `plot_layout` in DataStore that allow shuffling and sorting of datapoints


Exposed heatmap kwargs `plot_heatmap`

Improved support for prenormalized values in `find_markers_by_rank`
`show_zarr_tree` now has a maximum depth of 2

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