This version's major changes include:
. **New Parallel class**: A new :class:`sc.Parallel() <sc_parallel.Parallel>` class allows finer-grained managing of parallel processes, including automatic progress bars, better exception handling, and asynchronous running.
. **Better versioning**: New functions :func:`sc.metadata() <sc_versioning.metadata>`, :func:`sc.savearchive() <sc_versioning.savearchive>`, and :func:`sc.loadarchive() <sc_versioning.loadarchive>` make it easier to store and save metadata along with objects.
. **Faster data structures**: :class:`sc.odict() <sc_odict.odict>` and :class:`sc.dataframe() <sc_dataframe.dataframe>` have both been reimplemented for better performance and with additional methods.
. **Easier imports**: :func:`sc.importbypath() <sc_utils.importbypath>` lets you load a module into Python by providing the folder or filename (useful for loading one-off scripts, or two versions of the same library).
. **Better documentation**: A comprehensive set of tutorials has been added to the documentation, and the documentation has been rewritten in a new style.
Improvements and new features
1. Parallelization
. There is a new :class:`sc.Parallel() <sc_parallel.Parallel>` class, which is used to implement the (more or less unchanged) :func:`sc.parallelize() <sc_parallel.parallelize>` function.
. :func:`sc.parallelize() <sc_parallel.parallelize>` now has a ``progress`` argument that will show a progress bar; the ``returnpool`` argument has been removed (use :class:`sc.Parallel() <sc_parallel.Parallel>` instead).
2. Dataframe
. Better implementation of underlying logic, leading to significant performance increases in some cases (e.g., iteratively appending rows).
. Numerous methods have been renamed, modified, or added, specifically: ``append``, ``col_index``, ``col_name``, ``findind``, ``findinds``, ``merge``, ``popcols``, ``poprow``, ``poprows``, and ``sort``.
. Keyword arguments are now interpreted as columns, e.g. ``df = sc.dataframe(a=[1,2], b=[3,4])``.
. Better handling of (and preservation) of ``dtypes`` for dataframe columns, including a new :meth:`df.set_dtypes() <sc_dataframe.dataframe.set_dtypes>` method.
. Dataframes now support equality checks.
3. Time/date
. Support for ``pandas`` and ``Numpy`` datetime objects.
. New :class:`sc.timer <sc_datetime.timer>` attributes and methods: :obj:`sc.rawtimings <sc_datetime.timer.rawtimings>`, :meth:`sc.sum() <sc_datetime.timer.sum>`, :meth:`sc.min() <sc_datetime.timer.min>`, :meth:`sc.max() <sc_datetime.timer.max>`, :meth:`sc.mean() <sc_datetime.timer.mean>`, :meth:`sc.std() <sc_datetime.timer.std>`.
. :class:`sc.timer <sc_datetime.timer>` now displays time in human-appropriate units (e.g., 3.4 μs instead of 0.0000034 s) by default, or accepts a ``unit`` argument.
. New :func:`sc.time() <sc_datetime.time>` alias for :func:`time.time()`.
. :func:`sc.datedelta() <sc_datetime.datedelta>` can now operate on a list of dates.
. :func:`sc.randsleep() <sc_datetime.randsleep>` now accepts a ``seed`` argument.
. More accurate computation of self-time in :func:`sc.timedsleep() <sc_datetime.timedsleep>`.
4. Files
. A new function :func:`sc.unzip() <sc_fileio.unzip>` extracts zip files to disk, while :func:`sc.loadzip() <sc_fileio.loadzip>` now defaults to loading the zip file contents to memory. :func:`sc.savezip() <sc_fileio.savezip>` can now save both data and files, and its ``filelist`` argument has been renamed ``files``.
. If a saved file can't be unpickled, :func:`sc.load() <sc_fileio.load>` now defaults to using ``dill``, and has more robust error handling (see also "versioning" updates below).
. :func:`sc.makefilepath() <sc_fileio.makefilepath>` now defaults to ``makedirs=False``.
. File save functions now make new subfolders by default
. :func:`sc.save() <sc_fileio.save>` now has an ``allow_empty`` argument (instead of ``die='never'``).
. :func:`sc.glob() <sc_fileio.glob>` is a new alias for :func:`sc.getfilelist() <sc_fileio.getfilelist>`.
. :func:`sc.thisdir() <sc_fileio.thisdir>` now gives a correct answer when running in a Jupyter notebook.
5. Printing
. :func:`sc.progressbar() <sc_printing.progressbar>` can now be used to wrap an iterable, in which case it acts as an alias to ``tqdm.tqdm()``.
. The new :func:`sc.progressbars() <sc_printing.progressbars>` class will create and manage multiple progress bars, which can be useful for monitoring multiple parallel long-running jobs.
. New functions :func:`sc.arraymean() <sc_printing.arraymean>` and :func:`sc.arraymedian() <sc_printing.arraymedian>` can be used to quickly summarize an array. To print rather than return a string, use :func:`sc.printmean() <sc_printing.printmean>` and :func:`sc.printmedian() <sc_printing.printmedian>`.
. The new function :func:`sc.humanize_bytes() <sc_printing.humanize_bytes>` will convert a number of bytes into a human-readable number (e.g. ``32975281`` to ``32.975 MB``).
. The new function :func:`sc.readjson() <sc_fileio.readjson>` will read a JSON from a string (alias to :func:`sc.loadjson(string=...) <sc_fileio.loadjson>`); likewise :func:`sc.readyaml() <sc_fileio.readyaml>`. :func:`sc.printjson() <sc_fileio.printjson>` and print an object as if it was a JSON.
. :func:`sc.printarr() <sc_printing.printarr>` now has configurable decimal places (``decimals`` argument) and can return a string instead of printing (``doprint=False``).
. :func:`sc.pp() <sc_utils.pp>` no longer casts objects to JSON first (see :func:`sc.printjson() <sc_fileio.printjson>` for that).
. :func:`sc.sigfigs() <sc_printing.sigfigs>` is a new alias of :func:`sc.sigfig() <sc_printing.sigfig>`.
6. Profiling
. The new :func:`sc.benchmark() <sc_profiling.benchmark>` function runs tests on both regular Python and Numpy operations and reports the performance of the current machine.
. :func:`sc.checkmem() <sc_profiling.checkmem>` now returns a dataframe, can descend multiple levels through an object, reports subtotals, and has an ``order`` argument instead of ``alphabetical``.
7. Versioning
. A new versioning module has been added.
. A new function :func:`sc.metadata() <sc_versioning.metadata>` gathers all relevant metadata and returns a dict that can be used for versioning.
. A pair of new functions :func:`sc.savearchive() <sc_versioning.savearchive>` and :func:`sc.loadarchive() <sc_versioning.loadarchive>`, provide a way to automatically save metadata along with an object for better versioning.
. Known regressions from older library versions are now automatically handled by :func:`sc.load() <sc_fileio.load>` (e.g., ``pandas`` v2.0 dataframes cannot be loaded in v1.5, and vice versa).
. :func:`sc.require() <sc_versioning.require>` now has the option to raise a warning instead of an error if a module is not found.
8. Math
. :func:`sc.findnans() <sc_math.findnans>` is a new alias for ``sc.findinds(np.isnan(data))``. :func:`sc.rmnans() <sc_math.rmnans>` is a new alias for :func:`sc.sanitize() <sc_math.sanitize>`.
. :func:`sc.randround() <sc_math.randround>` now works with multidimensional arrays. (Thanks to `Jamie Cohen <https://github.com/jamiecohen>`_ for the suggestion.)
. :func:`sc.smoothinterp() <sc_math.smoothinterp>` now defaults to ``ensurefinite=True``.
. :func:`sc.asd() <sc_asd.asd>` now uses its own random number stream.
. :func:`sc.cat() <sc_math.cat>` now works on 2D arrays.
9. Dictionaries
. :class:`sc.odict() <sc_odict.odict>` now inherits from :class:`dict` rather than :class:`OrderedDict <collections.OrderedDict>`. This makes initialization and some other operations nearly four times faster.
. :class:`sc.odict() <sc_odict.odict>` can now be initialized with integer keys.
. There is a new :meth:`sc.dictobj.to_json() <sc_odict.dictobj.to_json>` method. :meth:`sc.dictobj.fromkeys() <sc_odict.dictobj.fromkeys>` is now a static method.
10. Nested objects
. Nested "dictionary" operations can now act on other types of object, including lists and regular objects.
. :func:`sc.iterobj() <sc_nested.iterobj>` applies a function iteratively to an object.
. :func:`sc.search() <sc_nested.search>` now works on values as well as keys/attributes.
11. System and platform
. The new function :func:`sc.importbypath() <sc_utils.importbypath>` will import a module by path, as an alternative to standard ``import``. :func:`sc.importbyname() <sc_utils.importbyname>` also now accepts a ``path`` argument.
. The new function :func:`sc.getuser() <sc_utils.getuser>` will return the current username (as an alias to ``getpass.getuser()``).
. The new function :func:`sc.isjupyter() <sc_utils.isjupyter>` determines whether or not the code is running in a Jupyter notebook. Default Jupyter plotting has been updated from ``widget`` to ``retina``.
12. Plotting
. The two Sciris plotting styles, ``sciris.simple`` and ``sciris.fancy``, are now available through standard Matplotlib (e.g. ``pl.style.use('sciris.simple')``.
. 3D plots (e.g. :func:`sc.plot3d() <sc_plotting.plot3d>`) will now render into existing figures and axes where possible, rather than always creating a new figure.
. The ``freeze`` argument of :func:`sc.savefig() <sc_plotting.savefig>` has been renamed ``pipfreeze``, and ``frame`` has been replaced with ``relframe``.
13. Other
. A new environment variable, ``SCIRIS_NUM_THREADS``, will set the number of threads Numpy uses (if Sciris is imported first). In some cases, more threads results in *slower* processing (and of course uses way more CPU time).
. The new function :func:`sc.sanitizestr() <sc_printing.sanitizestr>` will sanitize an input string to e.g. ASCII-only or a valid variable name.
. :func:`sc.download() <sc_utils.download>` now handles exceptions gracefully with ``die=False``.
. :func:`sc.isiterable() <sc_utils.isiterable>` now has optional ``exclude`` and ``minlen`` arguments.
. :func:`sc.flexstr() <sc_utils.flexstr>` now has more options for converting arbitrary or multiple objects to a string.
. :func:`sc.transposelist() <sc_utils.transposelist>` has a new ``fix_uneven`` argument (previously, elements longer than the shortest sublist were silently removed).
. :func:`sc.tryexcept() <sc_utils.tryexcept>` now has ``to_df()`` and ``disp()`` methods.
. Fixed ``<=`` comparison in :func:`sc.compareversions() <sc_versioning.compareversions>` not handling equality.
. Fixed the implementation of the ``midpoint`` argument in :func:`sc.vectocolor() <sc_colors.vectocolor>`.
. Fixed corner cases where some :class:`sc.dataframe <sc_dataframe.dataframe>` methods returned ``pd.DataFrame`` objects instead.
. Fixed corner cases where some :class:`sc.objdict <sc_odict.objdict>` methods returned :class:`sc.odict <sc_odict.odict>` objects instead.
. :func:`sc.findinds() <sc_math.findinds>` now returns a tuple for multidimensional arrays, allowing it to be used directly for indexing.
. :func:`sc.rmnans() <sc_math.rmnans>` now returns a zero-length array if all input is NaNs.
. :meth:`sc.options.with_style(style) <sc_settings.ScirisOptions.with_style>` now correctly applies the style.
. Fixed :func:`sc.daydiff() <sc_datetime.daydiff>` with one argument computing the number of days from Jan. 1st of the *current* year (instead of Jan. 1st of the provided year).
. ``keepends`` and ``skipnans`` arguments were removed from :func:`sc.smoothinterp() <sc_math.smoothinterp>`.
Regression information
. ``tqdm`` is now a required dependency.
. Calls to :func:`sc.makepath() <sc_fileio.makepath>` and :func:`sc.makefilepath() <sc_fileio.makefilepath>` now need to specify ``makedirs=True``.
. :class:`sc.odict() <sc_odict.odict>` is no longer an instance of :class:`OrderedDict <collections.OrderedDict>`.
. The ``returnpool`` argument of :func:`sc.parallelize() <sc_parallel.parallelize>` has been removed.
. For :func:`sc.savefig() <sc_plotting.savefig>`, ``freeze`` should be renamed ``pipfreeze``, and ``frame`` should be replaced with ``relframe`` with an offset of 2 (e.g. ``frame=2 → relframe=0``).
. :func:`sc.checkmem(..., alphabetical=True) <sc_profiling.checkmem>` has been replaced with :func:`sc.checkmem(..., order='alphabetical') <sc_profiling.checkmem>`
. The ``Options`` class has been renamed class :class:`sc.ScirisOptions() <sc_settings.ScirisOptions>`.
. ``sc.parallel_progress()`` has been moved to ``sc.sc_legacy``. Please use :func:`sc.parallelize(..., progress=True) <sc_parallel.parallelize>` instead.
. ``sc.parallelcmd()`` has been moved to ``sc.sc_legacy``. Please do not use this function :)