1. ``sc.mprofile()`` has been added, which does memory profiling just like ``sc.profile()``.
2. ``sc.progressbar()`` has been added, which prints a progress bar.
3. ``sc.jsonpickle()`` and ``sc.jsonunpickle()`` have been added, wrapping the module of the same name, to convert arbitrary objects to JSON.
4. ``sc.jsonify()`` checks objects for a ``to_json()`` method, handling e.g Pandas dataframes, and falls back to ``sc.jsonpickle()`` instead of raising an exception for unknown object types.
5. ``sc.suggest()`` now uses ``jellyfish`` instead of ``python-levenshtein`` for fuzzy string matching.
6. ``sc.saveobj()`` now uses protocol 4 instead of the latest by default, to avoid backwards incompatibility issues caused by using protocol 5 (only compatible with Python 3.8).
7. ``sc.odict()`` and related classes now raise ``sc.KeyNotFoundError`` exceptions. These are derived from ``KeyError``, but fix a `bug in the string representation <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34051333/strange-error-message-printed-out-for-keyerror>`__ to allow multi-line error messages.
8. Rewrote all tests to be pytest-compatible.