
Latest version: v3.2.0

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1. The implementations of ``sc.odict()`` and ``sc.objdict()`` have been updated, to allow for more flexible use of the ``defaultdict`` argument, including better nesting and subclassing.
2. A new ``serial`` argument has been added to ``sc.parallelize()`` to allow for quick debugging.
3. Legacy support for Python 2 has been removed from ``sc.loadobj()`` and ``sc.saveobj()``.
4. A fallback method for ``sc.gitinfo()`` (based on ``gitpython``) has been added, in case reading from the filesystem fails.



New functions
1. ``sc.mergelists()`` is similar to ``sc.mergedicts()``: it will take a sequence of inputs and attempt to merge them into a list.
2. ``sc.transposelist()`` will perform a transposition on a list of lists: for example, a list of 10 lists (or tuples) each of length 3 will be transformed into a list of 3 lists each of length 10.
3. ``sc.strjoin()`` and ``sc.newlinejoin()`` are shortcuts to ``', '.join(items)`` and ``'\n'.join(items)``, respectively. The latter is especially useful inside f-strings since you cannot use the ``\n`` character.

1. ```` now returns a numeric array when an array of datetime objects is passed to it; a bug which was introduced in version 1.0.2 which meant it returned an object array instead.
2. Slices with numeric start and stop indices have been fixed for ``sc.odict()``.
3. ``sc.objatt()`` now correctly handles objects with slots instead of a dict.

1. ``sc.loadobj()`` now accepts a ``remapping`` argument, which lets the user load old pickle files even if the modules no longer exist.
2. Most file functions (e.g. ``sc.makefilepath``, ``sc.getfilelist()`` now accept an ``aspath`` argument, which, if ``True``, will return a ``pathlib.Path`` object instead of a string.
3. Most array-returning functions, such as ``sc.promotetoarray()`` and ````, now accept a ``copy`` argument and other keywords; these keywords are passed to ``np.array()``, allowing e.g. the ``dtype`` to be set.
4. A fallback option for ``sc.findinds()`` has been implemented, allowing it to work even if the input array isn't numeric.
5. ``sc.odict()`` now has a ``defaultdict`` argument, which lets you use it like a defaultdict as well as an ordered dict.
6. ``sc.odict()`` has a ``transpose`` argument for methods like ``items()`` and ``enumvalues()``, which will return a tuple of lists instead of a list of tuples.
7. ``sc.objdict()`` now prints out differently, to distinguish it from an ``sc.odict``.
8. ``sc.promotetolist()`` has a new ``coerce`` argument, which will convert that data type into a list (instead of wrapping it).

Renamed/removed functions
1. The functions ``sc.tolist()`` and ``sc.toarray()`` have been added as aliases of ``sc.promotetolist()`` and ``sc.promotetoarray()``, respectively. You may use whichever you prefer.
2. The ``skipnone`` keyword has been removed from ``sc.promotetoarray()`` and replaced with ``keepnone`` (which does something slightly different).

Other updates
1. Exceptions have been made more specific (e.g. ``TypeError`` instead of ``Exception``).
2. Test code coverage has been increased significantly (from 63% to 84%).


1. Fixed bug (introduced in version 1.0.1) with ``sc.readdate()`` returning only the first element of a list of a dates.
2. Fixed bug (introduced in version 1.0.1) with ```` treating an integer as a timestamp rather than an integer number of days when a start day is supplied.
3. Updated ``sc.readdate()``, ````, and ```` to always return consistent output types (e.g. if an array is supplied as an input, an array is supplied as an output).


1. Fixed bug with Matplotlib 3.4.0 also defining colormap ``'turbo'``, which caused Sciris to fail to load.
2. Added a new function, ``sc.orderlegend()``, that lets you specify the order you want the legend items to appear.
3. Fixed bug with paths returned by ``sc.getfilelist(nopath=True)``.
4. Fixed bug with ``sc.loadjson()`` only reading from a string if ``fromfile=False``.
5. Fixed recursion issue with printing ``sc.Failed`` objects.
6. Changed ``sc.approx()`` to be an alias to ``np.isclose()``; this function may be removed in future versions.
7. Changed ``sc.findinds()`` to call ``np.isclose()``, allowing for greater flexibility.
8. Changed the ``repr`` for ``sc.objdict()`` to differ from ``sc.odict()``.
9. Improved ``sc.maximize()`` to work on more platforms (but still not inline or on Macs).
10. Improved the flexiblity of ``sc.htmlify()`` to handle tabs and other kinds of newlines.
11. Added additional checks to ``sc.prepr()`` to avoid failing on recursive objects.
12. Updated ``sc.mergedicts()`` to return the same type as the first dict supplied.
13. Updated ``sc.readdate()`` and ```` to support timestamps as well as strings.
14. Updated ``sc.gitinfo()`` to try each piece independently, so if it fails on one (e.g., extracting the date) it will still return the other pieces (e.g., the hash).
15. Pinned ``xlrd`` to 1.2.0 since later versions fail to read xlsx files.


This major update (and official release!) includes many new utilities adopted from the `Covasim <>`__ and `Atomica <>`__ libraries, as well as important improvements and bugfixes for parallel processing, object representation, and file I/O.

New functions

Math functions
1. ``sc.findfirst()`` and ``sc.findlast()`` return the first and last indices, respectively, of what ``sc.findinds()`` would return. These keywords (``first`` and ``last``) can also be passed directly to ``sc.findinds()``.
2. ``sc.randround()`` probabilistically rounds numbers to the nearest integer; e.g. 1.2 will round down 80% of the time.
3. ```` is a generalization of ``np.append()``/``np.concatenate()`` that handles arbitrary types and numbers of inputs.
4. ``sc.isarray()`` checks if the object is a Numpy array.

Plotting functions
1. A new diverging colormap, ``'orangeblue'``, has been added (courtesy Prashanth Selvaraj). It is rather pretty; you should try it out.
2. ``sc.get_rows_cols()`` solves the small but annoying issue of trying to figure out how many rows and columns you need to plot *N* axes. It is similar to ``np.unravel_index()``, but allows the desired aspect ratio to be varied.
3. ``sc.maximize()`` maximizes the current figure window.

Date functions
1. ```` will convert practically anything to a date.
2. ```` will convert practically anything to an integer number of days from a starting point; for example, ```` returns the number of days since Jan. 1st.
3. ``sc.daydiff()`` computes the number of days between two or more start and end dates.
4. ``sc.daterange()`` returns a list of date strings or date objects between the start and end dates.
5. ``sc.datetoyear()`` converts a date to a decimal year (from Romesh Abeysuriya via Atomica).

Other functions
1. The "flagship" functions ``sc.loadobj()``/``sc.saveobj()`` now have shorter aliases: ``sc.load()``/````. These functions can be used interchangeably.
2. A convenience function, ``sc.toctic()``, has been added that does ``sc.toc(); sc.tic()``, i.e. for sequentially timing multiple blocks of code.
3. ``sc.checkram()`` reports the current process' RAM usage at the current moment in time; useful for debugging memory leaks.
4. ``sc.getcaller()`` returns the name and line number of the calling function; useful for logging and version control purposes.
5. ``sc.nestedloop()`` iterates over lists in the specified order (from Romesh Abeysuriya via Atomica).
6. ``sc.parallel_progress()`` runs a function in parallel whilst displaying a single progress bar across all processes (from Romesh Abeysuriya via Atomica).
7. An experimental function, ``sc.asobj()``, has been added that lets any dictionary-like object be used with attributes instead (i.e. ```` instead of ``foo['bar']``).

Bugfixes and other improvements
1. ``sc.parallelize()`` now uses the ``multiprocess`` library instead of ``multiprocessing``. This update fixes bugs with trying to run parallel processing in certain environments (e.g., in Jupyter notebooks). This function also returns a more helpful error message when running in the wrong context on Windows.
2. ``sc.prepr()`` has been updated to use a simpler method of parsing objects for display; this should be faster and more robust. A default 3 second time limit has also been added.
3. ``sc.savejson()`` now uses an indent of 2 by default, leading to much more human-readable JSON files.
4. ``sc.gitinfo()`` has been updated to use the code from Atomica's ``fast_gitinfo()`` instead (courtesy Romesh Abeysuriya).
5. ``sc.thisdir()`` now no longer requires the ``__file__`` argument to be supplied to get the current folder.
6. ``sc.readdate()`` can now handle a list of dates.
7. ``sc.getfilelist()`` now has more options, such as to return the absolute path or no path, as well as handling file matching patterns more flexibly.
8. ``sc.Failed`` and ``sc.Empty``, which may be encountered when loading a corrupted pickle file, are now exposed to the user (before they could only be accessed via ``sc.sc_fileio.Failed``).
9. ``sc.perturb()`` can now use either uniform or normal perturbations via the ``normal`` argument.

Renamed/removed functions
1. The function ``sc.quantile()`` has been removed. Please use ``np.quantile()`` instead (though admittedly, it is extremely unlikely you were using it to begin with).
2. The function ``sc.scaleratio()`` has been renamed ``sc.normsum()``, since it normalizes an array by the sum.

Other updates
1. Module imports were moved to inside functions, improving Sciris loading time by roughly 30%.
2. All tests were refactored to be in consistent format, increasing test coverage by roughly 50%.
3. Continuous integration testing was updated to use GitHub Actions instead of Travis/Tox.


1. ``sc.profile()`` and ``sc.mprofile()`` now return the line profiler instance for later use (e.g., to extract additional statistics).
2. ``sc.prepr()`` (also used in ``sc.prettyobj()``) can now support objects with slots instead of dicts.

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