- Add {class}`scvi.external.Decipher` for dimensionality reduction and interpretable
representation learning in single-cell RNA sequencing data {pr}`3015`, {pr}`3091`.
- Add multiGPU support for {class}`~scvi.model.SCVI`, {class}`~scvi.model.SCANVI`,
{class}`~scvi.model.CondSCVI` and {class}`~scvi.model.LinearSCVI`, {class}`~scvi.model.TOTALVI`,
{class}`~scvi.model.MULTIVI` and {class}`~scvi.model.PEAKVI`. {pr}`3125`.
- Add an exception callback to {class}`scvi.train._callbacks.SaveCheckpoint` in order to save
optimal model during training, in case of failure because of Nan's in gradients. {pr}`3159`.
- Add {meth}`~scvi.model.SCVI.get_normalized_expression` for models: {class}`~scvi.model.PEAKVI`,
{class}`~scvi.external.POISSONVI`, {class}`~scvi.model.CondSCVI`, {class}`~scvi.model.AUTOZI`,
{class}`~scvi.external.CellAssign` and {class}`~scvi.external.GIMVI`. {pr}`3121`.
- Add {class}`scvi.external.RESOLVI` for bias correction in single-cell resolved spatial
transcriptomics {pr}`3144`.
- Add semisupervised training mixin class {class}`scvi.model.base.SemisupervisedTrainingMixin` {pr}`3164`.
- Add scib-metrics support for {class}`scvi.autotune.AutotuneExperiment` and
{class}`scvi.train._callbacks.ScibCallback` for autotune for scib metrics {pr}`3168`.
- Add Support of dask arrays in AnnTorchDataset. {pr}`3193`.
- Add a {doc}`/user_guide/use_case` section in the docs, {pr}`3200`.
- Add {class}`scvi.external.SysVI` for cycle consistency loss and VampPrior {pr}`3195`.
- Fixed bug in distributed {class}`scvi.dataloaders.ConcatDataLoader` {pr}`3053`.
- Fixed bug when loading Pyro-based models and scArches support for Pyro {pr}`3138`
- Fixed disable vmap in {class}`scvi.external.MRVI` for large sample sizes to avoid
out-of-memory errors. Store distance matrices as numpy array in xarray to reduce
memory usage {pr}`3146`.
- Fixed {class}`scvi.external.MRVI` MixtureSameFamily log probability calculation {pr}`3189`.
- Updated the CI workflow with multiGPU tests {pr}`3053`.
- Set `mode="change"` as default DE method. Compute positive and negative LFC separately
by default (`test_mode="three"`). Corrected computation of pseudocounts and make if
default to add a pseudocounts for genes not expressed (`pseudocount=None`). According to
Eq. 10 of Boyeau _et al_, _PNAS_ 2023 {pr}`2826`