New feature release in the 2.5.x series.
This release includes a number of changes to default behaviors.
SyN-SDC will be performed per-BOLD/DWI image, unless specified otherwise with
``B0FieldIdentifier``\s, and may now be specified with T2w images as anatomical
references as well.
Additionally, PEPolar fieldmaps will only be grouped if they share ``IntendedFor``
Finally, as a small UX improvement, if magnitude1/magnitude2 images have differing
affines but are in register, we will now copy the header rather than requiring the
user to update the header themselves.
* FIX: Ensure IntendedFor metadata is a subject-relative path (360)
* ENH: Split SyN fieldmap estimates per-EPI (312)
* ENH: Allow non-T1w anatomical estimators (358)
* ENH: Function to calculate reference grids aligned with the coefficients (355)
* ENH: Check registration of magnitude1/magnitude2 images and update headers (356)
* RF: Split PEPolar fieldmaps by intent, if available (342)
* CI: Use supported codecov uploaders (348)