======================= Patch release in the 2.0.x series. This release resolves an issue in fMRIPrep 21.0.x.
* FIX: Relax tolerance for different affines when concatenating blips (265)
========================== Patch release in the 2.0.x series. This allows compatibility with the next minor release of ``niworkflows``.
* MAINT: Allow compatibility with new niworkflows minor (262) * DOC: Update scipy intersphinx url (263)
========================== Patch release in the 2.0.x series.
* FIX: Create one fieldmap estimator per EPI-IntendedFor pair (258) * DOCKER: Build with FSL 6 (254)
========================== Patch release in the 2.0.x series.
* FIX: Update boilerplate ordering directives (229) * FIX: ishandling of ``topup`` coefficients with higher resolution EPIs (251)
========================= A patch release improving documentation and implementing ``B0Field*`` BIDS metadata.
* DOC: Bring implementation details to the foreground of documentation (248) * FIX: Implement ``B0FieldIdentifier`` / ``B0FieldSource`` (247)
======================== A patch release with a deep revision of the new implementation of the fieldmap-less "*SDC-SyN*" toward integration with *fMRIPrep*.