Update on future plans
New releases on the `0.9.x` branch will be paused, with the exception of critical bug fixes. Development will focus on reworking the readers and containers to provide additional flexibility. More details can be found at https://serpent-tools.readthedocs.io/en/0.9.3/develop/datamodel.html#data-model
Overview of Changes
Changelog can also be viewed through [online hosted documentation read the docs](https://serpent-tools.readthedocs.io/en/0.9.3/changelog.html#v0-9-3)
API changes
Update sensitivity.py
- mevscale and energy grid lines
API Provide a length for XSPlotReader
API Provide XSPlotReader.{energies,majorant}; prefer over metadata
API Provide XSData.energies; prefer over metadata
API XSData.plot supports labels argument
Provide XSData.describe for explaining MTs
API Provide XSData __getitem__, get methods
API Add dictionary-like access to XSPlotReader
API DepletedMaterial.toDataFrame index argument -> time
API Provide dictionary-like access for BranchingReader
API Dictionary-like access for HistoryReader
API DepletionSampler.metadata is property
API Add dictionary-like access for DetectorReader
API Add dictionary-like access for DepletionReader
API ResultReader.getUniv raise ValueError, not SerpentToolsException
API Provide ResultsReader.__getitem__, get methods
API Provide DepletedMaterial.toDataFrame
API Expose DepletedMaterial arrays as attributes
API XSPlotReader raises ValueError for unknown chunks
Bug fixes
BUG Return ax from CartesianDetector.meshPlot
BUG Put branching fractions on XSData
Pending deprecations
With the exception of the `ResultsReader`, `metadata` dictionaries are being deprecated in favor of attributes. These metadata dictionaries may be removed in future releases
DEP Deprecate metadata for depletion reader, sampler
DEP Deprecate DetectorReader.iterDets: use items
DEP Deprecate BranchingReader.iterBranches -> items
Checksums of source distribution
1a0be13e9d5199584de22b19e559406dba6bbcd4bcafa22dfef3fe2500a69c02 serpentTools-0.9.3-py3-none-any.whl
8fda6a35f5b4e57c4c3d0028c7663e37ea042e6a25a5efaacf3632e85ad12856 serpentTools-0.9.3.tar.gz
The following users submitted a patch that was included in this release. Users with a "+" submitted their first patch
- [Andrew Johnson](https://github.com/drewejohnson)
- [nicolaborate](https://github.com/nicoloabrate) +