* Easier construction of |BranchCollector| objects - :pull:`276`
* Directly from the class :class:`~serpentTools.xs.BranchCollector.fromFile`
* Don't require passing branch information to |BranchCollector|. Will be inferred
from file and set with ``(p0, p1, ...)``. State data can be used to
determine which index is a given perturbation type.
* Direct ``toMatlab`` methods for |ResultsReader|, |SensitivityReader|,
|DepmtxReader| |DepletionReader|, |DetectorReader|, |HistoryReader|,
and |Detector| objects - :pull:`290`, :pull:`291`
* Overhaul, reorganization, and cleanup of documentation
.. _v0.7.0-api:
Incompatible API Changes
* |HomogUniv| objects are now stored on |ResultsReader| with
zero-based indexing for burnup. The previous first value of
burnup step was one. All burnup indices are now decreased by
one. Similarly, if no burnup was present in the file, the
values of burnup and days for all universes is zero - :pull:`288`
* When reading Detectors with a single tally, the value of ``tallies``,
``errors``, and ``scores`` are stored as floats, rather than
:term:`numpy` arrays - :pull:`289`
.. _v0.7.0-dep:
* |DepletionReader| ``saveAsMatlab`` in favor of
* SERPENT ``2.1.30`` is the default version of :ref:`serpentVersion`. Will
alter some variable groups, like :ref:`optimization-base` and
:ref:`optimization-2-1-30`, that exist in both versions but are slightly
.. _v0.7.0-bug:
Bug Fixes
* |BranchingReader| is now capable of reading ``.coe`` files with
uncertainties - :pull:`272`
* Fixed a bug that caused some plots not to return the axes object of the plot
- :pull:`297`
* |HomogUniv| plots are plotted against energy group when no group structure
can be determined, and now labeled as such - :pull:`299`
* Removed a non-zero exit code from a successful use of the :ref:`cli-seed`
command line command - :pull:`300`
* |ResultsReader| can process files with assembly discontinuity factors (ADFs)
- :pull:`305`