
Latest version: v0.11.0

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* :pull:`198` - Import test and example files using :mod:``.
Load example readers with :func:``
* :pull:`199` - Support for structured or unstructured matrix plotting with
* :pull:`201` - Support for plotting hexagonal meshes with
* :pull:`204` - Access |Detector|
objects directly from |DetectorReader|
with ``reader[detName]``
* :pull:`205` - Access materials from |DepletionReader|
and :class:`serpentTools.samplers.DepletionSampler` using key-like
indexing, e.g. ``reader[matName] == reader.material[matName]``
* :pull:`213` - Better default x-axis labels for simple Detector plots

.. _v0.5.2-api:

API Changes
* :pull:`194` - Some settings in :attr:`serpentTools.ResultsReader.metadata`
are now stored as :class:`int` or :class:`float`, depending upon their nature.
Many of these settings refer to flags of settings used by ``SERPENT``



* :pull:`180` - Add capability to pass isotope ``zzaaai`` for
and associated plot routines
* :pull:`187` - Import all readers and samplers from the main package::

>>> from serpentTools import ResultsReader
>>> from serpentTools import DetectorSampler

* :pull:`189` - Support for reading Detectors with hexagonal, cylindrical, and
spherical meshes.

.. _v0.5.1-api:

API Changes

* ``zzaaai`` data is stored on
:attr:`~serpentTools.objects.DepletedMaterial.zai` as a list
of integers, not strings



* :pull:`131` Updated variable groups between ``2.1.29`` and ``2.1.30`` - include
poison cross section, kinetic parameters, six factor formula (2.1.30 exclusive),
and minor differences
* :pull:`141` - Setting :ref:`xs-reshapeScatter` can be used to reshape scatter
matrices on |HomogUniv|
objects to square matrices
* :pull:`145` - :meth:`~serpentTools.objects.HomogUniv.hasData`
added to check if |HomogUniv|
objects have any data stored on them
* :pull:`146` - |HomogUniv| object
stores group structure on the object. New dictionaries for storing group constant
data that is not ``INF`` nor ``B1`` -
:attr:`~serpentTools.objects.HomogUniv.gc` and
* :pull:`130` Added the ability to read results file
* :pull:`149` - Add the ability to read sensitivity files
* :pull:`161` - Add the :mod:`~serpentTools.utils` module
* :pull:`165` - Add the :meth:`serpentTools.objects.HomogUniv.plot`

.. _v0.5.0-api:

API Changes

* :pull:`146` removed ``metadata`` dictionaries on |HomogUniv| objects.

.. _v0.5.0-dep:


* Variable group ``xs-yields`` is removed. Use ``poisons`` instead
* Branches of a single name are only be accessible through
``branches['nom']``, not ``branches[('nom'), ]`` as per :pull:`114`



* :pull:`95` Add ``xsplot`` file reader - |XSPlotReader|
* :pull:`121` Samplers will raise more warnings/errors if no files are loaded
from ``*`` wildcards
* :pull:`122` Better Detector labeling
* :pull:`135` Added instructions for better converting Jupyter notebooks to
``.rst`` files. Plotting guidelines



* :pull:`118` - Support for ``SERPENT`` 2.1.30
* :issue:`119` - SampledDepletedMaterial now respects the value of `xUnits`
- :pull:`120`
* :pull:`114` - Standalone branches in the coefficient files are stored
and accessed using a single string, rather than a single-entry tuple
``branches['myBranch']`` vs. ``branches[('myBranch', )]``



* :pull:`109` - Capability to read history files
* :pull:`107` - |DepletionReader| can now plot data for some or all materials

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