------------------ - Fixed adaptation of multi polygon data. - Raise exceptions earlier from binary predicates. - Beginning distributing new windows DLLs (166).
------------------ - Added access to GEOS polygonizer function. - Raise exception when insufficient coordinate tuples are passed to LinearRing constructor (164).
------------------ - Disentangle Python and topological equality (163). - Add shape(), a factory that copies coordinates from a geo interface provider. To be used instead of asShape() unless you really need to store coordinates outside shapely for efficient use in other code. - Cache GEOS geometries in adapters (163).
------------------ - Do not release GIL when calling GEOS functions (158). - Prevent faults when chaining multiple GEOS operators (159).
------------------ - Fix loss of dimensionality in polygon rings (155).
------------------ - Allow chaining expressions involving coordinate sequences and geometry parts (151). - Protect against abnormal use of coordinate accessors (152). - Coordinate sequences now implement the numpy array protocol (153).