- ``STRtree`` now safely implements the pickle protocol (915).
- Documentation has been added for ``minimum_clearance`` (875, 874).
- In ``STRtree.__del__()`` we guard against calling ``GEOSSTRtree_destroy``
when the lgeos module has already been torn down on exit (897, 830).
- Documentation for the ``overlaps()`` method has been corrected (920).
- Correct the test in ``shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry.empty()`` to
eliminate memory leaks like the one reported in 745.
- Get free() not from libc but from the processes global symbols (891),
fixing a bug that manifests on OS X 10.15 and 10.16.
- Extracting substrings from complex lines has been made more correct (848,
- Splitting of complex geometries has been sped up by preparing the input
geometry (871).
- Fix bug in concatenation of function argtypes (866).
- Improved documentation of STRtree usage (857).
- Improved handling for empty list or list of lists in GeoJSON coordinates
- The polylabel algorithm now accounts for polygon holes (851, 817).