New features:
- A new error derived from NotImplementedError, with a more useful message, is
raised when the GEOS backend doesn't support a called method (216).
- The ``project()`` method of LineString has been extended to LinearRing
geometries (286).
- A new ``minimum_rotated_rectangle`` attribute has been added to the base
geometry class (354).
- A new ``shapely.ops.polylabel()`` function has been added. It
computes a point suited for labeling concave polygons (395).
- A new ``shapely.ops.split()`` function has been added. It splits a
geometry by another geometry of lesser dimension: polygon by line, line by
point (293, 371).
- ``Polygon.from_bounds()`` constructs a Polygon from bounding coordinates
- Support for testing with Numpy 1.4.1 has been added (301).
- Support creating all kinds of empty geometries from empty lists of Python
objects (397, 404).
- Switch from ``SingleSidedBuffer()`` to ``OffsetCurve()`` for GEOS >= 3.3
- Cython speedups are now enabled by default (252).
- Packaging 16.7, a setup dependency, is vendorized (314).
- Infrastructure for building manylinux1 wheels has been added (391).
- The system's ``geos-config`` program is now only checked when ``setup.py``
is executed, never during normal use of the module (244).
- Added new library search paths to assist PyInstaller (382) and Windows