
Latest version: v0.2.2

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Tilde support added


So I made a right howler in the last release.

Read only mode could cause children to be created higher up the tree. Not inentional but a consequence of the read only mode. What it should do is obviously not create any under it( but only if it doesn't create it or its not already there). If it's already there then it should create the children even if the parent is in RO mode. As why would you specify them otherwise? (think about it long enough and you will come to the same reasoning)

anyways. not only that. I used copilot to automate the test for it. Copilot knew the result of my accident but thought I did it intentionally and tested it as a pass. lmao. Lesson learned there in trusting it blindy for tests.

Anways. Test Mode should work now too. (Although I did that before unpicking the colon bug.)

started to plan out how a filestream class might look. and investigated a little bit using lexers in other langauges. It should be portable. but filestreaming and extra features would make it a bit harder. need to finish the perms first and focus on that core of it.

oh and almost forgot to mention. you should be able to put spaces in file and folder names now.



Adds a read only mode using the colon

pwd and grp don't work on windows so it will step over with a ModuleImport Error

A usecase of this atm would be to remove a specific file without creating folders (if it didn't exist already). which is very edge case.

At the moment calling format on the tree will output it. maybe later that dict can be a FileObject instead it may be useful for inspection.

Still lots of features in the to be considered. The filestreaming being one.


Added delete functionality with minus symbol
Added commenting to readme
Added fix where you can't have spaces in front of comments
Cleaned up a bit
Fixed workflow so now auto tests python 3.6>3.10 on mac/linux/windows


First release of tree (sharpshooter)

sharpshooter is the name of some random gardening tool that plants tree shrubs or something. as you can imagine coming up with a name to put your project on pypy is hard.

tree is me playing with a lexer. therefor It's not a program and more a parser. But it's not a 'language' as I'm only using the lexer part. It wouldn't be my instinct to do it this way. I'd probably just split lines and be done by now. But wanted to try something new and I'm hoping there may be a payoff later in portability.

The instructions are a 'template shorthand' for creating a mock file system. (for now)

Eventually I'd like to get it doing quite a bit more. some notes are in

I have considered piping urls or files content in via a seperate thread or process first into a tmp file maybe? rather than writing the content directly into the template. though it will need to fulfill the basic things first before I get to that.

Currently only does file/folder creation.

Feel free to fork/push help etc if you find it interesting or useful. Or if you fancy porting it to other langs once a bit more done might also be cool.

Need to find a nice way also to write a 'spec' for it. Most of the ideas are layed out in the readme and the

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