
Latest version: v0.15.2

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- added `timesSileSiesta` which can read siesta TIMES output
- Parsing of total Mulliken charges in `stdoutSileSiesta`, 691

- reading charges from Siesta 5.2 output files, 856
- a read problem for very big simulations (related to `orbindxSileSiesta`)
- bug-fix for `tbtSileTBtrans.Eindex` handling of integers, 829
This is a regression fix, integers will now be handled differently
than prior releases.
A warning is raised to inform users.
- fixed warning raised when reading electronic structure without Ef, 826
- fixed precision writing of energies in GF files (siesta), 827
- fixed reading `HSetupOnly` HSX files from Siesta, 828
- fixed reading stresses and forces from `stdoutSileSiesta`
Note that generally the forces/stresses in the *Final* section of the
output will **not** be returned. Only if there are no other forces/stresses
in the output file.

- `tbtSileTBtrans.Eindex` changed, see 829 for details.


- enabled `lowdin` to return the Lowdin transformation matrix, and also
allow it to be calculated using SVD

- bugfix for wrong call `` which caused wrong densities, 821


- conversion of list-like elements to `Lattice`
- vacuum argument for all `sisl.geom` methods that can use it
- `Geometry.find_nsc`, alternate method for calculating `nsc` with more options
- `sisl._debug_info` for more complete debug information
- `axes` argument added to `derivative` to only calculate on a subset
of directions (can greatly improve performance for some systems)
- `operator` argument added to `derivative` to apply an operator
to `dHk` and `dSk` matrices.
of directions (can greatly improve performance for some systems)
- added `apply_kwargs` to methods which uses a `BrillouinZone` object.
This enables one to leverage parallel processing for calculations.
- `SISL_PAR_CHUNKSIZE=25`, new default parameter for parallel processing.
Can greatly improve parallel processing of BZ integrations
- added `vectorsSileSiesta` to read vibra eigenmode output
- added `dihedral` to `Geometry`, 773
- ability to retain sub-classes through `<class>.new` calls
- added `Listify` to ensure arguments behaves as *iterables*
- setter for `Lattice.pbc` to specify it through an array
- `Lattice.volumef` to calculate a subset volume based on axes
- added `write_grid` to Siesta binary grid files
- added the `goldene` 2D lattice, a `hexagonal` Gold 2D structure
- added the `hexagonal` 2D lattice, close-packed FCC(111) surface
- improved `atom` projections of states, 750
- improved typing system
- `units` to `read_*` for some `Sile`s, 726
- enabled reading the Hamiltonian from the Wannier90 _tb.dat file, 727
- "Hz", "MHz", "GHz", "THz", and "invcm" as valid energy units, 725
- added `read_gtensor` and `read_hyperfine_coupling` to `txtSileORCA`, 722
- enabled `AtomsArgument` and `OrbitalsArgument` to accept `bool` for *all* or *none*
- enabled `winSileWannier90.read_hamiltonian` to read the ``_tb.dat`` files
- `atoms` argument to `DensityMatrix.spin_align` to align a subset of atoms
(only diagonal elements between the atoms orbitals)
- added an efficient neighbor finder, 393
- enabled reading DFTB+ output Hamiltonian and overlap matrices, 579
- `bond_order` for `DensityMatrix` objects, 507
- better error messages when users request quantities not calculated by Siesta/TBtrans
- functional programming of the basic sisl classes
Now many of the `Geometry|Lattice|Grid.*` manipulation routines which
returns new objects, are subjected to dispatch methods.

sisl.tile(geometry, 2, axis=1)
geometry.tile(2, axis=1)

will call the same method. The first uses a dispatch method, and a `SislError`
will be raised if the dispatch argument is not implemented.
- `SparseCSR.toarray` to comply with array handling (equivalent to `todense`)
- enabled `|new` with the most basic stuff
- `Shape.translate`, to easily translate entire shape constructs, 655
- Creation of chiral GNRs (`kind=chiral` in `sisl.geom.nanoribbon`/`sisl.geom.graphene_nanoribbon`
as well as `sisl.geom.cgnr`)
- Creation of [n]-triangulenes (`sisl.geom.triangulene`)
- added `offset` argument in `Geometry.add_vacuum` to enable shifting atomic coordinates
- A new `AtomicMatrixPlot` to plot sparse matrices, 668

- PEP-585 compliant
- buildable for numpy>2, 791
- `BrillouinZone.tocartesian()` now defaults to `k=self.k`
- reading XV/STRUCT files from fdf siles could cause problems, 778
- `Geometry.[ao][us]c2[su]c` methods now retains the input shapes (unless `unique=True`)
- lots of `Lattice` methods did not consistently copy over BC
- `BrillouinZone.volume` fixed to actually return BZ volume
use `Lattice.volume` for getting the lattice volume.
- xsf files now only respect `lattice.pbc` for determining PBC, 764
- fixed `CHGCAR` spin-polarized density reads, 754
- dispatch methods now searches the mro for best matches, 721
- all `eps` arguments has changed to `atol`
- methods with `axis` arguments now accepts the str equivalent 0==a
- documentation links to external resources
- fixed `chgSileVASP.read_grid` for spinful calculations
- `` used a wrong regex, added a test
- raises error when requesting isosurface for complex valued grids, 709
- some attributes associated with `*` will now warn instead of raising information
- reading matrices from HSX files with *weird* labels, should now work (*fingers-crossed*)
- `Atom(Z="1000")` will now correctly work, 708
- `AtomUnknown` now also has a default mass of 1e40
- changed `read_force_constant` to `read_hessian`, the old methods are retained with
deprecation warnings.
- `pdosSileSiesta` plotting produced wrong spin components for NC/SOC
- `tqdm` changed API in 2019, `eta=True` in Notebooks should now work
- `SparseCSR` ufunc handling, in some corner cases could the dtype casting do things
- fixed corner cases where the `SparseCSR.diags(offsets=)` would add elements
in non-existing elements
- some cases of writing orthogonal matrices to TSHS/nc file formats 661
- `BDOS` from TBtrans calculations now returns the full DOS of all (Bloch-expanded)
- `Lattice` objects now issues a warning when created with 0-length vectors
- HSX file reads should respect input geometry arguments
- enabled slicing in matrix assignments, 650
- changed `Shape.volume()` to `Shape.volume`
- growth direction for zigzag heteroribbons
- `BandStructure` points can now automatically add the `nsc == 1` axis as would
be done for assigning matrix elements (it fills with 0's).

- `degenerate` argument in `velocity`/`derivative`, they do not belong there
- `xvSileSiesta.read_geometry(species_as_Z)`, deprecated in favor of `atoms=`
- `structSileSiesta.read_geometry(species_as_Z)`, deprecated in favor of `atoms=`
- `Atom.radii` is removed, `Atom.radius` is the correct invocation
- `sisl.plot` is removed (`sisl.viz` is replacing it!)
- `cell` argument for `Geometry.translate/move` (it never worked)
- removed `Selector` and `TimeSelector`, they were never used internally

- internal test structure, should improve future progress
- `Lattice.parameters` now returns a 2-tuple of ``length, angles``
- units of `conductivity` has changed to S / Ang
- `conductivity` is deprecated, use `ahc` and `shc` instead
- `berry_curvature` has completely changed, checks it API
- BZ apply methods are now by default parallel (if ``SISL_NUM_PROCS>1``)
- `hsxSileSiesta.read_hamiltonian` now implicitly shifts Fermi-level to 0 (for newer HSX versions)
- deprecated `periodic` to `axes` argument in `BrillouinZone.volume`
- changed `Eigenmode.displacement` shape, please read the documentation
- bumped minimal Python version to 3.9, 640
- documentation build system on RTD is updated, 745
- `gauge` arguments now accept 'cell' and 'orbital' in replacements for 'R' and 'r', respectively
- `siesta.*.read_basis` now defaults to read an `Atoms` object with all atoms
- `atoms.specie` changed to `atoms.species`, generally species is the singular form
- `in_place` arguments changed to `inplace`
- renamed `stdoutSileVASP` to `outcarSileVASP`, 719
- deprecated scale_atoms in favor of scale_basis in `Geometry.scale`
- changed default number of eigenvalues calculated in sparse `eigsh`, from 10 to 1
- `stdoutSileSiesta.read_*` now defaults to read the *next* entry, and not the last
- `stdoutSileSiesta.read_*` changed MD output functionality, see 586 for details
- `AtomNeighbours` changed name to `AtomNeighbor` to follow 393
- changed method name `spin_squared` to `spin_contamination`
- removed `Lattice.translate|move`, they did not make sense, and so their
usage should be deferred to `Lattice.add` instead.
- `vacuum` is now an optional parameter for all ribbon structures
- enabled `array_fill_repeat` with custom axis, to tile along specific
- Importing `sisl.viz` explicitly is no longer needed, as it will be lazily
loaded whenever it is required.


- Creation of honeycomb flakes (`sisl.geom.honeycomb_flake`,
`sisl.geom.graphene_flake`), 636
- added `Geometry.as_supercell` to create the supercell structure,
thanks to pfebrer for the suggestion
- added `` and `` to function the same
as `Geometry`, added["Cuboid"]
- added ``, currently only `to.Sphere()`
- enabled `|new.Sile(...)`
- added logging in some modules, to be added in more stuff to allow easier
- marked all `toSphere|toEllipsoid|...` as deprecated
- a simple extensionable method to add `<attr>` by exposing
attributes through an object on each class.
The _info_attributes_ contains a list of attributes that can be
discovered while reading ascii files see 509

- fixed cases where `Geometry.close` would not catch all neighbours, 633

- sisl now enforces the black style
- `Lattice` now holds the boundary conditions (not `Grid`), see 626
- Some siles exposed certain properties containing basic information
about the content, say number of atoms/orbitals etc.
These will be moved to `<attr>` instead to reduce
the number of methods exposed on each sile.


- problems in the sisl.viz module got fixed

- xarray is now a full dependency (this also implies pandas)

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