
Latest version: v0.15.2

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- Fixes for the GULP dynamical matrix reads

- Enabled preliminary reads of OpenMX input file

- Enabled DOS calculation for the eigenvalue files

- Added Berry-phase calculation for orthogonal basis sets

- Added velocity calculation of electronic eigenstates

- Enabled effective mass tensor in electronic eigenstates (un-tested)

- High performance increase by moving stuff to Cython.

- Added Siesta interaction tutorials

- Added orthogonality checks when reading sparse matrices

- Lots of fixes for the fdf-file

- Added Mulliken calculation in DensityMatrix/EnergyDensityMatrix

- Enabled reading phonons from FC files

- Added named-groups which enables accessing groups of atoms by names.

Geometry['Hello'] = [2, 3, 4]

- Changed Hessian to DynamicalMatrix to clarify the units

- Added new units class to handle complex units.

- Enabled a Phonon class to calculate group velocities of phonons, DOS and PDOS,

- Bug-fixes for Siesta binary writes, now the supercell format is *always*
Siesta compliant.

- Enabled replacing k-points in MonkhorstPack grids.

- Enabled calculation of band-velocities from eigenstates

- Made better progress-bars. Using eta= now relies on tqdm
It is however still an optional dependency.

- Fixed Gamma-point periodic wavefunction storage.
Creating grids with wave-functions is fully functional
for arbitrarily big supercells.

- BrillouinZone objects:

- Renamed PathBZ to BandStructure

- Renamed MonkhorstPackBZ to MonkhorstPack

- Enabled MonkhorstPack symmetry. This will reduce the number of
k-points to roughly half (note symmetry is by default *on*)

- Forced MonkhorstPack to create a k-grid which is Gamma centered

- Shapes (backwards compatibility broken)

- Complete re-write of Shapes

- Skewed Cuboids, Ellipsoids

- Set combinations of Shapes (unions, difference sets, etc.)

- Grid

- Enabled Grid.index for shapes.

- Fixed grid initialization to create grid spacings fixed by a real.
I.e. the voxel spacing.

>>> Grid([10, 10, 10]) 10 points per lattice vector
>>> Grid(0.1) 0.1 Angstrom spacing

- Enabled plotting wavefunctions on grids.

- Enabled plotting charge density on grids.

- Enabled tqdm usage for progressbar. It is fast and easy to use
and a small requirement. (still optional)

- Added intrinsic Sisl exceptions which will be used throughout
(at some point)

- Removed deprecated TightBinding class (use Hamiltonian instead)

- Added many SislWarning raises which are used to notify the user of
potentially important things (say if sisl knows there should be a unit
associated but it couldn't find it).

- Added TSDE file reading in sisl.

- Siesta reading of grid-related data is now much *smarter*. It will
try and recognize the units of the data so the units become sisl
intrinsics (Ry -> eV, Bohr -> Ang, etc.).
This means that typically one does not need to do manual unit-conversion.
There are however a few cases where sisl cannot figure out the
units. Particularly if the files are renamed.

- Added a new class EigenSystem which holds information regarding
eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

- Currently an EigenState class is also enabled which can currently
be used to calculate wavefunctions, DOS, PDOS and more to come.

- Fixed lots of bugs in fdf-reading quantities.
Now one is also able to read Hamiltonian and other physical
quantities from the fdf-object directly. There is pre-defined
orders of which files to read from if there are multiple files

Reading the geometry now defaults to the fdf file, but one can query
the output files by a boolean.

- Enabled PDOS calculations for the Hamiltonian. Together
with the MonkhorstPack class one can easily calculate
k-averaged PDOS quantities.

- Fixed cube reading/writing of multi-column data.

- Added siesta PDOS xml parsing, currently this is only scriptable
but it manages easy extraction of quantities without the PDOSXML utility.
This also enables retrieving the PDOS as an xarray.DataArray.

- Fixed a bug in writing XV files (only for -100/-200 species)

- TBtrans / file:

- Added file to enable easy extraction of self-energies
from TBtrans

- Added COOP and COHP extraction to the files.

- Added DM and ADM extraction to the files.

- Reorganized the TBtrans netcdf files (internal changes only)

- Added shot-noise calculation (and Fano factor). Currently un-tested!

- Several added files



- Various minor bug-fixes


- Fixed scaling of bond-currents in case 'all' is used, makes comparison
with '+' and '-' easier.

- Updated defaults in bond_current to '+' such that only forward
going electrons are captured.

- Updated defaults in vector_current to '+' such that only forward
going electrons are captured.


- Enabled reading a tabular data-file

- Lots of updates to the spin-class. It should now be more coherent.

- Added rij and Rij to the sparse_geometry classes to extract orbital or
atomic distance matrices (returing the same sparsity pattern).

- Renamed `which` keyword in `` to `what`

- Added uniq keyword to o2a for better handling of orbitals -> atoms.

- Fixed a performance bottleneck issue related to the `scipy.linalg.solve`
routine which was changed since 0.19.0.

- Changed internal testing scheme to `pytest`

- Lots of bug-fixes here and there

- Geometry files used in the command-line has updated these arguments:

- tile
- repeat
- rotate

The order of the arguments are interchanged to be similar to the
scripting capabilities.

Also fixed an issue related to moving atoms into the unit-cell.

- Enabled deleting supercell elements of a sparse Geometry. This
will come in handy when calculating the self-energies and Green
functions. I.e. Hamiltonian.set_nsc(...) will truncate entries
based on the new supercell.

- Preliminary testing of reading Siesta binary output (.RHO, .VT, etc.)

- Added parsing the Siesta EIG file (easy plotting, reading in Python)

- Changed interface for BrillouinZone objects.
Now a BrillouinZone accepts any object which has cell/rcell entries.
Any function call on the BrillouinZone object will transfer the call to the
passed object and evaluate that function for all k-points in the BrillouinZone.


* Added current calculator to sile to calculate the current as TBtrans
does it (this requires the latest commit in SIESTA which defines the
chemical potential and electronic structure of *all* electrodes).

* Bug-fixes for sile, the bond-currents for multi-orbital systems
were in some cases wrong.

* Huge performance increase for data processing. Now the majority
of routines are based on array-indexing, rather than sparse loops.

* Changed the DOS retrieval functions to be more flexible. The default is
now to return the summed DOS across the selected atoms.

* Added a TBTGFSileSiesta which enables one to create _external_ self-energies
to be read in by TBtrans (complete electrode control).

* Added `deltancSileSiesta` as a replacement for `dHncSileSiesta`, TBtrans 4.1b4
will have two delta terms, dH (adds to bond-currents) and dSigma (does not
add to bond-currents).

* BEWARE, lots of defaults has changed in this release.

- Hamiltonian.tile is now even faster, only utilizing
intrinsic numpy array functionality.

- Greatly speeded up Hamiltonian.remove/sub functions.
Now there are no for-loops in the remove/sub routines which
will greatly increase performance.
It will now be much faster to generate the Hamiltonian for
a small reference cell, tile/repeat it, remove atoms.


- Added the following routines:

* `` routine to determine a new supercell object
such that a given set of coordinates are all within AND
periodic in the new supercell.
* `SuperCell.parallel` to check whether two objects have parallel
* `Geometry.distance` returns a list of distances from a given
set of atoms. I.e. to determine a set of distances required for
a subsequent close call. This routine can also be used to group
neighbouring atoms in a common fashion.
* `Geometry.optimize_nsc` loops all atoms and minimizes `nsc` in case
one is not sure of the interaction range.
* `Hamiltonian.shift` enables the shift of the entire electronic structure
* Added new flag to `Hamiltonian.Hk` routines
``format={'csr', 'array', 'dense', ...}``
to ensure a consistent return of the data-type.

- Bug fix for dHncSileSiesta for multiple levels.

- Performance boost for the sub and remove functions for the
Hamiltonian objects. Instead of creating the geometry first,
it may now be much faster to generate the small Hamiltonian,
tile -> repeat -> sub -> remove.

- Performance boost for the tile and repeat functions for the
Hamiltonian objects. They are now the preferred method for creating
large systems.

- Bug fixed when having extremely long atomic ranges and using tile/repeat.
The number of supercells was too large.
It did not affect anything, but it was inconsistent.

- Enabled reading the density matrix and energy density matrix from siesta.

- Addition of a PerformanceSelector class which enables a dynamic
selection of the best routine.

Currently this is enabled in the SparseOrbitalBZ class where
constructing a matrix k can be done in numerous ways.

- Bug fixed in supercell specification of the Hamiltonian:

>>> H[io, jo, (-1, 0, 0)]

now works in all cases.

- Spin-orbit H(k) has been enabled

- Fixed reading the <>.nc file from SIESTA, the non-zero elements count was

- Now H(k) has been tested for non-colinear and spin-orbit coupling and
one can now use sisl to perform non-colinear and spin-orbit coupling

- API change, all dR keywords has been changed to R for consistency and
reduction of ambiguity.
Also the `Atoms.dR` is now referred to as `Atoms.maxR()` to indicate
its meaning.

This may break old scripts if one use the `dR` keyword in arguments.

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