
Latest version: v0.14.3

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- Bug-fix for reading geometries in outSiesta

- Enabled reading the fermi level from the output, fixes 126

- Enabled Siesta STM and STS output

- Fixed an inheritance issue in `axsfSile` which meant it was unusable until

- Maintenance fix for looping sparse matrices.
Now the default is to loop the sparse non-zero elements.
If one wishes to loop all atoms/orbitals one should use `iter_orbitals()`
NOTE: This *may* break some codes if they used loops on sparse matrices

- Fixed reading VASP CAR files with constraints (thanks to T. Frederiksen)

- Added `overlap` method to `Geometry` to find overlapping atoms
between two geometries.

- Added Siesta LDOS charge handling

- Changed edges method to not exclude it-self by default.
This is because it is not intuitive given the default exclude=None

Note: this may break compatibility with other software/scripts.

- Added mulliken charge calculations and orbital angular momentum
for SO DM, fixes 136

- Fixed reading overlap matrix in conjunction with DM from fdf-sile

- Performance increase for the real-space self-energy calculations

- Fixed transposing of the spin-box for NC and SO matrices

- Enabled TRS handler for SO matrices, fixes 125

- Enabled better b-casting assignments for sparse-matrices, fixes 134

- Upgraded documentation to a layout that obeys numpydoc

- Fixed reading ASE xyz outputs, thanksto JL. Bertelsen,

- Fixed a typo in fdf reading onlyS, thanks to JL. Bertelsen, 135

- Enabled reading arbitrary self-energy by requesting an energy and k-point
from TSGF files.

- Upgraded handling of TBT.*.nc files to conform with the >=Siesta-4.1-b5
releases where all files contain the same device + electrode meta-data.

- Deprecated TBTGFSileTBtrans (use tbtgfSileTBtrans instead)

- Forced align=False in inner such that users should take care of this

- Added align_norm to swap states such that they more or less
correspond to the same band (which should have a closer residual
for on-site coefficients).

- Removed norm2 and made norm equal to norm2 for states. This is
the more natural thing, besides. Doing norm() ** 0.5 shouldn't be
too much of a problem.


- Officially added real-space self-energy calculations

- Cleaned TBT vs. PHT for class name structures

- Bugfix for reading MD output from Siesta out-files 130

- Bugfix for tbtse files when requesting pivoting indices using this
combination ``in_device=True, sort=False`` which in most cases
return wrong indices, thanks to J. Bertelsen for bug-find!

- Added several routines for retrieving transposed coupling elements.
When having connections `i -> j` it may be beneficial to easily get
the transposed connection `j -> i` by taking into account the
supercell. `Geometry.a2transpose` enables this functionality making
construct functions much simpler when having edges/boundaries.

- Bug-fix for reading white-space prefixed keywords in XSF files, 127

- Performance increase for self-energy calculations for very small

- Huge memory reduction for `Geometry.o2a` with very large system

- Enabled pickling on `BrillouinZone` objects

- Added `spin_moment` to `Hamiltonian`

- Removed ``rotate[abc]`` methods since they were cluttering the name-space
Codes should simply replace with:

>>> geometry.rotate(angle, geometry.cell[{012}, :], *)

for the same effect.

- Finally removed deprecated `write_geom` from the API

- Enabled calculation of ``<S^2>`` for spin-polarized calculations, this
may be used for calculating spin-contaminations

- added checks for `SparseCSR` to disallow out-of-bounds keys

- Bug fixed for reading POSCAR files from VASP (only when multiple species are
used in a non-ordered fashion)

- added `sisl` command line utility, it is exactly the same as `sdata`

- Enabled pickling sparse matrices, this allows dask usage of sparse matrices

- Performance increase for sparse matrix handling

- Fixed a problem with Fortran IO + Jupyter notebooks, now the file-handles
are re-used if a code block is terminated before closing the file

- Added `SparseOrbital` `append` + `transpose`
This enables appending Hamiltonian's (append) and makes hermiticity
checks possible (transpose)

- Enabled complex averaged calculations using `oplist`
The `oplist` object is a container allowing inter-element operations

>>> l1 = oplist([0, 1])
>>> l2 = oplist([2, 3])
>>> l = l1 + l2
>>> print(l)
[2, 4]

This is extremely handy for `BrillouinZone.asaverage`/`assum` when calculating
multiple values using `eigenstate` objects.

- Added reflection calculation to `tbtncSileTBtrans`

- Added more distribution functions (step and heaviside)

- Removed numpy deprecated class numpy.matrix, now everything is array

- Removed possibility of using `kavg=list(...)` due to complexity, now single
`kavg` requests are *not* k-averaged.

- Bugfix in calculating `shot_noise`, `noise_power` and `fano` factors in `tbtncSileSiesta`
They were only correct for Gamma-point calculations

- Fixed `*.EIG` `sdata` processing when using `--dos`

- Fixed reading geometries from grids from VASP (grid values were correct)

- Toolboxes:

* Added a toolbox to calculate the Poisson solution for arbitrary
electrodes for TranSiesta


- Fixed temperature for phonon output pht*nc files

- Added tbtprojncSileTBtrans sile for analyzing projected transmissions

- Removed deprecated dhSileTBtrans

- Bug fix for binary grid files with Siesta and also reads using fdf-files

- Changed default self-energy eta values to 1e-4 eV

- Added Zak-phase calculations (thanks to T. Frederiksen)

- Updated lots of State methods

- added Bloch expansion class which can expand any method

- self-energy calculations:
- Much faster
- enabled left/right self-energies in one method

- fixed AtomicOrbital copies

- enabled TSGF reads

- Added noise-power calculations for files

- Fixed files, units and scattering matrix retrieval

- added more VASP files


- Fixes for the GULP dynamical matrix reads

- Enabled preliminary reads of OpenMX input file

- Enabled DOS calculation for the eigenvalue files

- Added Berry-phase calculation for orthogonal basis sets

- Added velocity calculation of electronic eigenstates

- Enabled effective mass tensor in electronic eigenstates (un-tested)

- High performance increase by moving stuff to Cython.

- Added Siesta interaction tutorials

- Added orthogonality checks when reading sparse matrices

- Lots of fixes for the fdf-file

- Added Mulliken calculation in DensityMatrix/EnergyDensityMatrix

- Enabled reading phonons from FC files

- Added named-groups which enables accessing groups of atoms by names.

Geometry['Hello'] = [2, 3, 4]

- Changed Hessian to DynamicalMatrix to clarify the units

- Added new units class to handle complex units.

- Enabled a Phonon class to calculate group velocities of phonons, DOS and PDOS,

- Bug-fixes for Siesta binary writes, now the supercell format is *always*
Siesta compliant.

- Enabled replacing k-points in MonkhorstPack grids.

- Enabled calculation of band-velocities from eigenstates

- Made better progress-bars. Using eta= now relies on tqdm
It is however still an optional dependency.

- Fixed Gamma-point periodic wavefunction storage.
Creating grids with wave-functions is fully functional
for arbitrarily big supercells.

- BrillouinZone objects:

- Renamed PathBZ to BandStructure

- Renamed MonkhorstPackBZ to MonkhorstPack

- Enabled MonkhorstPack symmetry. This will reduce the number of
k-points to roughly half (note symmetry is by default *on*)

- Forced MonkhorstPack to create a k-grid which is Gamma centered

- Shapes (backwards compatibility broken)

- Complete re-write of Shapes

- Skewed Cuboids, Ellipsoids

- Set combinations of Shapes (unions, difference sets, etc.)

- Grid

- Enabled Grid.index for shapes.

- Fixed grid initialization to create grid spacings fixed by a real.
I.e. the voxel spacing.

>>> Grid([10, 10, 10]) 10 points per lattice vector
>>> Grid(0.1) 0.1 Angstrom spacing

- Enabled plotting wavefunctions on grids.

- Enabled plotting charge density on grids.

- Enabled tqdm usage for progressbar. It is fast and easy to use
and a small requirement. (still optional)

- Added intrinsic Sisl exceptions which will be used throughout
(at some point)

- Removed deprecated TightBinding class (use Hamiltonian instead)

- Added many SislWarning raises which are used to notify the user of
potentially important things (say if sisl knows there should be a unit
associated but it couldn't find it).

- Added TSDE file reading in sisl.

- Siesta reading of grid-related data is now much *smarter*. It will
try and recognize the units of the data so the units become sisl
intrinsics (Ry -> eV, Bohr -> Ang, etc.).
This means that typically one does not need to do manual unit-conversion.
There are however a few cases where sisl cannot figure out the
units. Particularly if the files are renamed.

- Added a new class EigenSystem which holds information regarding
eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

- Currently an EigenState class is also enabled which can currently
be used to calculate wavefunctions, DOS, PDOS and more to come.

- Fixed lots of bugs in fdf-reading quantities.
Now one is also able to read Hamiltonian and other physical
quantities from the fdf-object directly. There is pre-defined
orders of which files to read from if there are multiple files

Reading the geometry now defaults to the fdf file, but one can query
the output files by a boolean.

- Enabled PDOS calculations for the Hamiltonian. Together
with the MonkhorstPack class one can easily calculate
k-averaged PDOS quantities.

- Fixed cube reading/writing of multi-column data.

- Added siesta PDOS xml parsing, currently this is only scriptable
but it manages easy extraction of quantities without the PDOSXML utility.
This also enables retrieving the PDOS as an xarray.DataArray.

- Fixed a bug in writing XV files (only for -100/-200 species)

- TBtrans / file:

- Added file to enable easy extraction of self-energies
from TBtrans

- Added COOP and COHP extraction to the files.

- Added DM and ADM extraction to the files.

- Reorganized the TBtrans netcdf files (internal changes only)

- Added shot-noise calculation (and Fano factor). Currently un-tested!

- Several added files



- Various minor bug-fixes

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