Merged: 2019-10-01 Changed - **Jobs** | Updated the jobs to execute the commands given in source as it is, along with support for execution of scripts
Merged: 2019-09-27 Changed - **Logo** | Updated the logo with Skelly's new prompt-style robot eye and removed the transparency - **README** | Updated Logo in README and Centered the Title and Subtitle, and updates description - **Docs** | Updated GitHub Pages with better description (project development instead of project management)
Merged: 2019-09-12 Added - **AWS Base Image** | Adds a base image with R and AWS CLI that is not used by default in Skelebot yet
Merged: 2019-09-09 Added - **Environment Errors** | Returns an error message when attempting to use an env that does not exist
Merged: 2019-09-06 Added - **Python Base Lib** | Adds a library into the python base image that is needed for certain python packages
Merged: 2019-09-05 Released: 2019-09-05 Added - **Prime Output** | Add a param to prime component to allow for saving the Docker image as a file