Merged: 2022-05-02 Released: 2022-05-02 Changed - **CodeArtifact Dependencies** | Adds an option to pull CodeArtifact Python packages into a libs folder for install during docker build
Merged: 2022-04-15 Released: 2022-04-15 Changed - **In Memory Pull** | Allows S3Repo class to pull artifacts and return them directly in python
Merged: 2022-03-04 Released: 2022-03-04 Changed - **S3 Repository** | Fixed bug preventing the profile attribute from being empty
Merged: 2022-01-12 Changed - **Scaffolding** | Fixed minor bug in scaffolding output text
Merged: 2022-01-12 Released: 2022-01-12 Changed - **Scaffolding** | Added templates design and option for Dash template in Python projects
Merged: 2022-01-05 Changed - **Base Images** | Added jupyter-lab to all the base images (even the R base image!) - **Jupyter Component** | Added the option to the Jupyter component to spin up lab instead of notebook