Merged: 2021-06-10 Changed - **R-aws Image** | Publishes update for R-aws image to fix some dependency issues in R related to rlang
Merged: 2021-03-15 Changed - **Python-Base Image** | Pushed python 3.8 base image to Docker Hub and allows users to specify python version for projects in skelebot.yaml with pythonVersion parameter
Merged: 2021-01-29 Changed - **Registry Component** | Allows for the global `--skip-build` parameter to properly skipping the Docker build step in the publish process
Merged: 2021-01-29 Added - **Commands Documentation** | Added documentation for the image commands feature in Skelebot
Merged: 2021-01-29 Released: 2021-01-29 Changed - **Docker** | Include AWS registry region and profile when authenticating using AWS cli V2.
Merged: 2020-10-29 Changed - **R-Base Image** | Fixes the r-base image to include pip3 which was previously included by default