
Latest version: v0.16.1

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Not secure
New feature release in the 0.10.x series.

This series supports fMRIPrep 22.1.x and Nibabies 22.2.x.

This will be the last series to support Python 3.7.

* FIX: Expand surfaces pattern to allow morphometrics (312)
* ENH: Bind FreeSurfer subjects directory (311)
* ENH: Output thickness, curvature, and sulcal depth files (305)
* WRAPPER: Update patch location, use --patch syntax (309)
* CI: Fix expected ds054 outputs (310)
* CI: Set max Python version to 3.10 (308)
* CI: Simplify actions to build once, test many (304)
* CI: Update CircleCI docker orb (302)


Not secure
Bug-fix release in the 0.9.x series.

With thanks to Eric Feczko for tracking down a fiddly bug.

* FIX: Use mris_convert --to-scanner, and update normalization step (295)


Not secure
Bug-fix release in the 0.9.x series.

This release contains patches for supporting FreeSurfer 7.2.

* FIX: Disable -T2pial and -FLAIRpial at -autorecon1 stage (291)
* FIX: Re-add missing getfullpath FreeSurfer binary (290)
* FIX: Re-add fsr-checkxopts to Docker image (287)


Not secure
A new minor release incorporating support for FreeSurfer 7.2.

* DOC: Fix build (283)
* DOCKER: Bundle FreeSurfer 7.2 (281)
* FIX: Override nipype handling of recon-all hemi input (282)


Not secure
Patch release in the 0.8.x series. This allows compatibility with the next minor release of `niworkflows`.

* DOC: Update scipy intersphinx url (276)
* MAINT: Allow compatibility with new niworkflows minor (277)


Not secure
Patch release in the 0.8.x series.

This release includes some minor formatting fixes to the generated workflow boilerplate.
Additionally, the Docker image environment was updated.

* DOCKER: Update Dockerfile to match fMRIPrep, using FSL 6 (274)
* FIX: Generated boilerplate formatting (275)

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