
Latest version: v0.16.1

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Not secure
Hotfix release to address an issue recently encountered in fMRIPrep 20.1.0rc3.

* FIX: ``MultiLabel`` interpolations should not use ``float=True`` (196)


Not secure
Minor release in preparation for fMRIPrep 20.1.x series.
Features the new implementation of derivatives writers in NiWorkflows,
and additional flexibility to use previously computed results (in particular,
skull-stripped brains, and the new *fast-track* that allows skipping the
anatomical workflow in full, if all the expected derivatives are provided).
Most of the the bug-fixes correspond to amendments over these newly added

* FIX: Convert LTA to ITK with nitransforms (188)
* FIX: Dismiss ``session`` entity on most of anatomical derivatives (193)
* FIX: Revise tissue probability maps connections and order (190)
* FIX: Make TPMs label ordering in ``io_spec.json`` consistent with workflow (179)
* FIX: Correct the ``dseg`` labeling from FSL FAST earlier (177)
* FIX: Ensure ``bias_corrected`` is single file, not list (174)
* ENH: Use new ``DerivativesDataSink`` from NiWorkflows 1.2.0 (183)
* ENH: Use FreeSurfer's canary to exit fast and with a clear message when the license is missing (182)
* ENH: Execute FSL FAST only with ``--fs-no-reconall`` (180)
* ENH: Enable anatomical fast track reusing existing derivatives (107)
* ENH: Add option to skip brain extraction (167)
* MAINT: Remove unused nwf interfaces (187)
* MAINT: Pin troublesome sphinx (175)
* MAINT: Update dependencies to be inline with fMRIPrep-20.1.x (173)

0.5.x Series


Not secure
Bug-fix release in the 0.5.x series.

This release fixes a bug where pre-run FreeSurfer that was not in alignment with the
T1w template generated by fMRIPrep could result in misaligned segmentation and mask

The bug is most likely to occur with pre-run FreeSurfer where multiple T1w images are found.
It is easily evident in the first figure in the anatomical section of the reports, and will
show heavily misaligned brain mask.

* FIX: Use t1w2fsnative_xfm to resample segmentations (201) effigies


Not secure
Minor tweaks in preparation for fMRIPrep 20.0.0 release.

* ENH: Enable users to pass JSON filters to select subsets of data (143) bpinsard
* MAINT: Add ignore W503 in setup.cfg (165) oesteban


Not secure
A hotfix release updating dependencies

* PIN: Nibabel 3.0.1 and niworkflows 1.1.6 (166) mgxd


Not secure
A new minor release with a focus on improving internal handling and representations
of spatial references.

* RF: Update Spaces objects (164) mgxd
* ENH: Fix template keys output in normalization workflow, when cohort present (163) oesteban
* ENH: Integrate new infrastructure in NiWorkflows to handle spatial references (159) mgxd
* FIX: Improvements to the CircleCI workflow (162) oesteban
* CI: Update coverage (156) effigies

Pre- 0.5.x Series

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