
Latest version: v0.16.1

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Not secure
Bug-fix release in the 0.8.x series.

All releases since 0.5.3 have incorrectly resampled the (aparc+)aseg
segmentations with trilinear interpolation, rather than nearest-neighbor.
This fix has also been applied in 0.7.2,
to provide a fix in the fMRIPrep LTS series.

* FIX: Resample aseg with nearest-neighbor interpolation (268)


Not secure
A new minor release incorporating small iterations and improvements on
*NiWorkflows*, and including some bug-fixes/enhancements.

* FIX: Sturdier version check of sMRIPrep-wrapper package (245)
* FIX: Do not use deprecated ``--filter pandoc-citeproc`` generating boilerplate (e72eea5)
* MAINT: Mount TemplateFlow's home directory in CircleCI tests (246)
* MAINT: Run ``black`` at the top level of the repo (241)
* MAINT: Update to new API of *NiWorkflows* (239)
* MAINT: Refactor ``Dockerfile`` and move tests from TravisCI to GHA (240)


Not secure
Bug-fix release in the 0.7.x series.

All releases since 0.5.3 have incorrectly resampled the (aparc+)aseg
segmentations with trilinear interpolation, rather than nearest-neighbor.
This also reverts to using FAST for tissue probability maps, as the
calculations from FreeSurfer's segmentation are less straightforward.

* FIX: Resample aseg with nearest-neighbor interpolation (268)
* FIX: Revert to FAST for tissue probability maps (264)
* CI: Use separate fallback cache for maint/0.7.x (250)


Not secure
Bug-fix release in the 0.7.x series.

All releases since 0.4.0 have incorrectly labelled T1w images normalized to a
template space as SkullStripped in the corresponding JSON sidecar files.
This affects 0.4.x through 0.4.2, 0.5.x through 0.5.3, 0.6.x through 0.6.2, and
0.7.0. Prior to 0.4.0, the images were actually skull-stripped, and the metadata
labels were not incorrect.

For backwards compatibility reasons, any future releases of these series will
have SkullStripped set to False. In 0.8 and above, the images will be skull-stripped
and the metadata set back to True.

* CI: CircleCI housekeeping (234, 235)


Not secure
Minor release in preparation for *fMRIPrep* 20.2.x LTS series.
Includes minor features and bug-fixes over the previous 0.6 series.

* FIX: Pin *NiWorkflows* 1.3.1 including bugfix for INU-correction failures (nipreps/niworkflows567)
* FIX: Generate anatomical conversions with full spec from ``--output-spaces`` (219)
* FIX: Ordering of ``probseg`` maps with anatomical *fast-track* (214)
* FIX: Progress partial volume maps instead of posteriors (FSL FAST) (213)
* ENH: Retain session info when multi-session data are not averaged (225)
* ENH: Update derivatives description, ``.bidsignore`` for derivatives (220)
* ENH: Add ``--no-tty`` option to Docker wrapper (216)
* ENH: Add function to handle stale ``IsRunning`` files (207)
* MAINT: Upgrade ANTs to 2.3.4 in ``Dockerfile`` (365673b)
* MAINT: Make workflows keyword-only (PEP 3102) (208)


Not secure
Bug-fix release addressing minor problems related to FreeSurfer handling.

* FIX: Adapt to the new FS canary interface (backwards compatible) (205)
* FIX: Use ``t1w2fsnative_xfm`` to resample segmentations (201)

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