
Latest version: v5.5.1

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New features
* Model and Pipeline Downloader
We are glad to announce our first experimental model downloader, working both in Python and Scala.
This allows to download pre-trained models from our public storage. This does not include any pre-trained models yet
but just the logic to be able to do it.

* Improved ExternalResource API (introduced in 1.4.0) to make it easier to provide external corpus and resource information
on annotators such as readAs (which allows setting how would you like SparkNLP to read your source), delimiters and parse settings among
other options that might be passed to Spark Reader directly. Annotators using external sources now all share this functionality.
WordEmbeddings are not yet supported on this format.
* All python annotators now properly have getter functions to retrieve param values

* Fixed some annotators in python not de-serializable on their own outside a Pipeline
* Fixed CRF NER not working when not using word embeddings (thanks crisliu for reporting)
* Fixed Tokenizer not properly recognizing some stop words (thanks easimadi)
* Fixed Tokenizer not properly recognizing composite tokens when changing target pattern param (thanks easimadi)
* ReadAs parameter now properly read from string in all ExternalResource setters

Developer API
* PySpark API further improvements within AnnotatorApproach, AnnotatorModel and now private internal _AnnotatorModel for fit() result representation
* Automated getter have been written in order not to have to write getter functions in all annotators manually

* RocksDB dependency rolled back to 5.2.1 for better universal compatibility particularly to support databricks platform

* Updated website components page to match 1.4.x
* Replaced notebooks site to a placeholder linking to current python notebooks for lower maintenance



New features
* All annotator external sources have been unified through an ExternalResource component.
This is used to represents external data information deals with content in HDFS or local just as spark deals with data.
It also improves performance globally and allows customization
into how these sources are read (e.g. as RDD or Line by Line sequences)
* NorvigSweeting SpellChecker, ViveknSentiment and POS Perceptron can now train from the dataset passed to fit().
For Spell Checker, this will be applied if the user did not supply a corpus, forcing fit() to learn from words in the data column.
For ViveknSentiment and POS Perceptron, this strategy will be applied if sentimentCol and posCol params have been set respectively.

* ResourceHelper now has an improved SourceStream class which allows for more consistent HDFS/Filesystem reading by using
more of the Hadoop APIs.
* application.conf is now a global setting and can be overridden in run-time through ConfigLoader.setConfigPath(). It may also be accessed from PySpark
* PySpark API improved by creating AnnotatorApproach and AnnotatorModel classes
* EntityMatcher now uses recursive Pipelines
* Part-of-Speech tagging performance has been improved throughout the prediction algorithm
* EntityMatcher may now use RecursivePipeline in order to tokenize external data with the same pipeline provided by the user

Developer API
*PySpark API has been severly improved to make it easier to extend JVM classes
*PySpark API improved for extending annotator approaches and models appropriately

* Reverted a bug introduced causing NER not to read datasets properly from HDFS
* Fixed EntityMatcher wrongly normalizing external content (thanks sofianeh)

* Fixed EntityMatcher documentation obsolete params (Thanks sofianeh)
* Fixed NER CRF documentation in website



IMPORTANT: Pipelines from 1.2.6 or older cannot be loaded from 1.3.0
New features
Tokenizer annotator has been revamped. It now follows standard NLP Rules, matching above 90% of StanfordNLP Tokens
This annotator has now more complex rules allowing setting custom composite words as exceptions (e.g. to not break New York)
and custom Prefix, Infix, Suffix and Breaking rules. It uses regular expression groups in order to match various tokens per target word
Defaults have been updated to also be language agnostic and support foreign characters from Unicode charset
Assertion Status. This annotator identifies negated sequences within target scope. Assertion status is a machine learning
annotator and works throughout a set of Word Embeddings which a set of them is provided as a part of our Python notebook examples.
Recursive Pipelines. We have created our own Pipeline class which will take more advantages from Spark-NLP annotators.
Although this Pipeline is completely optional and works well with default Apache Spark estimators and transforms, it allows
training our annotators more efficiently by allowing annotator approaches access the previous state of the Pipeline,
allowing them to use it to tokenize or transform their own external content. It is recommended to use such Pipelines.

Part of Speech training has been improved in both performance and quality, and now better makes use of the input corpus provided.
New params have been extended in order to have more control of its training, through corpusFormat and corpusLimit, allowing
whether to read training data as Dataset or raw text files, and the number of limit files if a folder is provided
Thanks to lambdaofgod to allow Normalizer to optionally lower case tokens
* Thanks to Lorenz Bernauer, Normalizer default pattern now becomes language agnostic by not breaking unicode characters such as Spanish or German letters
* Features now have appropriate default values which are lazy by nature and executed only once upon request. This improves by side effect to the Lemmatizer performance.
* RuleFactory (A regex rule factory) performance has been improved due to set to use a Factory pattern and not re-check it's strategy on every transformation in run-time.
This might have positive side effects in SentenceDetector, DateMatcher and RegexMatcher which extensively use this class.

Class Renames
RegexTokenizer -> Tokenizer (it is not just regex anymore)
SentenceDetectorModel -> SentenceDetector (it is not a model, it is a rule-based algorithm)
SentimentDetectorModel -> SentimentDetector (it is not a model, it is a rule-based algorithm)

User Utilities
* ResourceHelper has a function createDatasetFromText which allows the user to more
easily read one or multiple text files from path into a dataset with various options,
including filename by row or by file aggregation. This class should be more widely
used since it helps dealing with local files parsing. It shall be better documented.
* com.johnsnowlabs.util now contains a Benchmark class which allows measuring the time of
any function easily, by using it as Benchmark.time("Description of measured") {someFunction()}

Developer API
Word embedding traits have been generalized. Now any annotator who might want to use them can easily access their properties
* Recursive pipelines now allow injecting PipelineModel object into train() stage. It is an optional parameter. If the user
utilizes RecursivePipeline, the annotator might use this pipeline for transforming secondary data inputs.
* Annotator abstract class has been divided into a previous RawAnnotator class which contains all annotator properties
and validations, but does not make use of the annotate() function. This allows annotators that need to work directly with
the transform() call, but also participate between other annotators in the pipeline

* Fixed a bug in annotators with word embeddings not correctly serializing into disk
* Fixed a bug creating temporary folders in home folder
* Fixed a broken geospatial pattern in sentence detection



Vivekn Sentiment Analysis improved memory consumption and training performance
Parameter pruneCorpus is an adjustable value now, defaults to 1. Higher values lead to better performance
but are meant on larger corpora. tokenPattern params are meant to allow different tokenization regex
within the corpora provided on Vivekn and Norvig models.
Serialization improvements. New default format (parquet lasted little) is RDD objects. Proved to be lighter on
heap memory. Also added lazier default values for Feature containers. New application.conf performance tunning
settings allow to customize whether we want to Feature broadcast or not, and use parquet or objects in serialization.



IMPORTANT: Pipelines from 1.2.4 or older cannot be loaded from 1.2.5
New features
Word embeddings parameter for CRF NER annotator
Annotator features replace params and are now serialized using KRYO and partitioned files, increases performance and smaller
memory consumption in Driver for saving and loading pipelines with large corpora. Such features are now also broadcasted
for better performance in distributed environments. This enhancement is a breaking change, does not allow to load older pipelines

Bug fixes
Stemmer was not capable of being deserialized (Implements DefaultParamsReadable)
Sentence Boundary detector was not properly setting bounds

Documentation (thanks maziyarpanahi)
Typo in code
Bad description



New features
ResourceHelper now allows input files to be read in the shape of Spark Dataset, implicitly enabling HDFS paths, allowing larger annotator input files. Needs to set 'TXTDS' as input format Param to let annotators read this way. Allowed in: Lemmatizer, EntityExtractor, RegexMatcher, Sentiment Analysis models, Spell Checker and Dependency Parser.

Enhancements and progress
CRF NER Benchmarking progress
EntityExtractor refactored. This annotator uses an input file containing a list of entities to look for inside target text. This annotator has been refactored to be of better use and specifically faster, by using a Trie search algorithm. Proper examples included in python notebooks.

Bug fixes
* Issue <>
Fixed default resources not being loaded properly when using the library through --spark-packages. Improved input reading from resources and folder resources, and falling back to disk, with better error handling.
Corrected param names in DocumentAssembler
* Issue <>
Deleted a left-over deprecated function which was misleading.
Added a filtering to ensure no empty sentences arrive to unnormalized Vivekn Sentiment Analysis

Documentation and examples
Added additional resources into FAQ page.
Added Spark Summit example notebook with full Pipeline use case
* Issue <>
Fixed scala python documentation mistakes
Typos fix

Removed Regex NER due to slowness and little use. CRF NER to replace NER.

Removed Regex NER due to slowness and little use. CRF NER to replace NER.


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