- Add Ampere support. faster fp16, faster tf32 and greatly faster int8 kernels in Ampere GPUs.
- Add pure c++ code generation ( for deploy (or train in another deeplearning framework)
- Add NVRTC support for all gemm kernels. if your GPU architecture isn't compiled in prebuilt, spconv will use slightly slower (10-20us overhead for every kernel launch) NVRTC kernels.
- Fix launch fail in maxpool if too much voxels
- all weight layout will be KRSC, don't support old spconv 1.x weights anymore.
- previous gemm ops in now move to c++ by default (controlled by spconv.constants.SPCONV_CPP_GEMM)
- drop python 3.6 support.
- pascal and kepler architecture is removed in CUDA 12 prebuilt.