Added - Add hash table - update cumm version - Add AddTableMisaligned for sptensors with same shape but different indices. Fixed - Fix a bug already fixed in 2.1.10 but introduced in 2.1.12 again.
Added - Add some ops from spconv 1.x, see spconv.utils for more details. - Add some debug tool for users to attach more info in issue.
Added - Add a method for voxel generator to get pc_voxel_id, which is usually used in semantic segmentation Fixed - Fix a bug in cuda voxel generater when max_voxels is smaller than real number of voxels
Fixed - Fixed a bug Volta kernels (TITAN V, Tesla V100), backward weight kernels use f16 as accumulator. we should use f32. - Fixed a corner case when user use kernel size = 1x1 but stride != 1. - Fixed a corner case when input feature is non-contiguous when maxpool.
Fixed - Fixed a bug in utils.PointToVoxel, shouldn't get cuda stream in cpu code