
Latest version: v1.4.0

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(1) Remove Numba hard dependency, but still handle TypingErrors when numba is installed
(2) Only call tqdm's `progress_apply` on transformations (e.g. Resampler, Rolling) when tqdm has an implementation for that object.


Swifter performance consistency improved in two ways:

(1) The validation check of the vectorized form of swifter was always failing, because of assumption of dataframe type, when usually a vectorized function form results in array type.

(2) When using a dataframe with duplicated indices, swifter was silently failing to leverage dask. Now swifter raises a warning when the dataframe has duplicated indices, with a recommendation to call `df.reset_index(drop=True)`.


Following pandas release v1.0.0, removing deprecated keyword args "broadcast" and "reduce"


Added new `applymap` method for pandas dataframes. `df.swifter.applymap(...)`


Fixed issue causing errors when using swifter on empty dataframes. Now swifter will perform a pandas apply on empty dataframes.


Added support for resample objects in syntax that refects pandas. `df.swifter.resample(...).apply(...)`

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