
Latest version: v1.4.0

Safety actively analyzes 665881 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Context Manager to suppress print statements during the sample/test applies. Now if a print is part of the function that is applied, the only print that will occur is the final apply's print.


Made several code simplifications, thanks to ianozvsald's suggestions. One of these code changes avoids the issue where assertions are ignored according to python -O flag, which would effectively break swifter.


Require tqdm>=4.33.0, which resolves a bug with the progress bar that stems from pandas itself.


Fix known security vulnerability in parso <= 0.4.0 by requiring parso > 0.4.0


Not secure
Change import from tqdm.auto instead of tqdm.autenook. Less warnings will show when importing swifter.


Not secure
df.swifter.progress_bar(desc="<Your description>") now allows for a custom description.

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