
Latest version: v1.4.0

Safety actively analyzes 665881 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure
Very minor bug fixes for edge cases, e.g. KeyError for applying on a dataframe with a dictionary as a nested element


Not secure
Fixed bugs with rolling apply. Added unit test coverage.


Not secure
Fixed a bug that prevented result_type kwarg from being passed to the dask apply function. Now you can use this functionality and it will rely on dask rather than pandas.

Additionally adjusted the speed estimation for data sets < 25000 rows so that it doesn't spend a lot of time estimating how long to run an apply for on the first 1000 rows when the data set is tiny. We want to asymptote to near-pandas performance even on tiny data sets.


Not secure
Uses tqdm.autonotebook to dynamically switch between beautiful notebook progress bar and CLI version of the progress bar


Not secure
Minor ipywidgets requirements update


Not secure
Allowed user to override scheduler default to multithreading if desired.

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