
Latest version: v1.7.1

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Full changelog:
- [Doc] Add docstring for AutoDiff part (2630) (by **ljcc0930**)
- [vulkan] Move SPIR-V type capabilities into VulkanCapabilities & fix compilation errors (2628) (by **Yu Chang**)
- [vulkan] Use native struct types when supported & fix performance (2621) (by **Bob Cao**)
- [vulkan] Dynamically load Vulkan (2623) (by **Dunfan Lu**)
- [vulkan] Fix vulkan rand (2622) (by **Dunfan Lu**)
- [benchmark] Add query_kernel_profiler_() and benchmark/misc for performance monitoring (2601) (by **rocket**)
- [vulkan] Detect Vulkan / SPIR-V version & enabling required features (2615) (by **Bob Cao**)
- [vulkan] Add SPIRV-Headers as a submodule (2608) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [ci] Prevent clang OOM (2620) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [IR] Init GlobalTensorElementExpression and PtrOffsetStmt (2543) (by **squarefk**)
- [Lang] [refactor] Move SNode property calculation from materialization time to construction time (2600) (by **Yi Xu**)
- [Doc] Add python docstring in misc/util.py (2599) (by **rocket**)
- [Doc] Fix typo of PR 2586 (2613) (by **ljcc0930**)
- [vulkan] Draft: Remove shaderc on Windows & Add spirv-tools's optimization (2605) (by **Bob Cao**)
- [Lang] Support to destroy a SnodeTree and manage the memory (2583) (by **ljss**)
- [Refactor] Split transformer.py into StmtBuilder and ExprBuilder (Stage 1) (2495) (by **xumingkuan**)
- [Doc] Add Python docstring for some operators (2586) (by **ljss**)
- [Doc] Doc string for common_ops.py (2611) (by **ljcc0930**)
- [Doc] Fix return type of Python Docstring in ops.py (2609) (by **Rachel Gu**)
- [Doc] Add Python docstrings for several APIs (2606) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [doc] Add python docstring for gui.py (2604) (by **Jiasheng Zhang**)
- [Doc] Add Python docstring for functions in matrix.py, impl.py, util.py and ops.py (2602) (by **Mingrui Zhang**)
- [opengl] Work group reduction (2595) (by **Bob Cao**)
- [bug] [vulkan] Fix bugs in SPIR-V codegen exposed under Linux (2603) (by **Yu Chang**)
- [Docs] Add docs for Expr class and functions in linalg.py (2597) (by **squarefk**)
- [Refactor] Added axes() function in impl.py (2594) (by **cruedo**)
- [ci] Fix one tiny bug (2598) (by **Jiasheng Zhang**)
- [ci] Fix appveyor with new building procedure (2596) (by **Jiasheng Zhang**)
- [Doc] Add Python docstring in several places (2592) (by **Yi Xu**)
- [Doc] Add Python Docstring in ops.py (2593) (by **Rachel Gu**)
- [Doc] Add Python docstring for Matrix class (2587) (by **FantasyVR**)
- [bug] recursively include examples in distribution script (2591) (by **Andrew Sun**)
- [Vulkan] Add SPIR-V codegen on Vulkan backend (2582) (by **Yu Chang**)
- [Doc] Add python docstring for misc.image class (2589) (by **Yidong Ma**)
- [Misc] Ignore the warning when first time finalizing ti.root(). (2584) (by **ljcc0930**)
- [ci] Correct windows build and test in CI (2576) (by **Jiasheng Zhang**)
- [refactor] Correct a few indices->axes renamings (2577) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [Doc] Add Python docstring for SNode (2580) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [opengl] Use OpenGL window visible hint instead of hiding after creation (2581) (by **Bob Cao**)
- [Refactor] Renamed ti.Index to ti.Axis (2560) (by **cruedo**)
- [Perf] Reduce GL backend's overhead (driver overhead & copy overhead) (2532) (by **Bob Cao**)
- [IR] Update CHI example to match SNode API (2574) (by **bx2k**)
- [Lang] Change the data layout for vector fields with that needs grad (2575) (by **Dunfan Lu**)
- [Vulkan] Add Vulkan to Taichi (2573) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [IR] Support "packed" mode where shape will not be padded to a power of two (2541) (by **Yi Xu**)
- [vulkan] Split into managed and reference devices (2570) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [Metal] Change Aot module for handling template arguments (2529) (by **Rachel Gu**)
- [refactor] Cleaned taichi/core/settings related import (2567) (by **Jiasheng Zhang**)
- [vulkan] Add Vulkan launcher (2562) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [Bug] Fix racing in llvm bc generation. (2569) (by **Ailing**)
- [ci] Quick fix: bugs in upload.py (2568) (by **Jiasheng Zhang**)
- [ci] Allow build specific commit when uploading, used new building procedure. (2563) (by **Jiasheng Zhang**)
- [vulkan] Add GLSL-based codegen for Vulkan (2557) (by **Ye Kuang**)



Starting from this release, you can create new `ti.field` instances after invoking a kernel! 🎉 Note that this feature is currently supported on the CPU and the CUDA backend.

Full changelog:
- [refactor] remove global_program in kernel.cpp (2508) (by **ljcc0930**)
- [misc] Added palette in taichi GUI for circles (2504) (by **Jiasheng Zhang**)
- [lang] Support ti.fields with shape after materialized (2503) (by **ljcc0930**)
- [doc] Add a basic doc explaining how to run Taichi CPP tests (2502) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [lang] Support ti.FieldsBuilder() (2501) (by **ljcc0930**)
- [misc] Add needs_grad property for SNode (2500) (by **ljcc0930**)
- [lang] Support fake FieldsBuilder() with same memory location (2493) (by **ljcc0930**)
- [ci] Fix appveyor (2496) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [ir] Add some comments to implementation of CFG optimizations and analyses (2474) (by **xumingkuan**)
- [Doc] Add .md documentation (2494) (by **Taichi Gardener**)
- [Example] Refactor example library (2475) (by **Andrew Sun**)
- [Doc] Remove all .rst docs (2492) (by **Taichi Gardener**)
- [Refactor] [cuda] Cleanup CUDA AtomicOpStmt codegen (2490) (by **Dunfan Lu**)
- [Perf] [cuda] Use warp reduction to improve reduction performance (2487) (by **Dunfan Lu**)
- [vulkan] Add kernel metadata and utils (2481) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [opengl] [refactor] Use macro to generate atomic float functions (2486) (by **xndcn**)


Full changelog:
- [ci] Fix docker prebuilt binary link (2483) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [wasm] Implement materialize() for wasm backend and clean up unused functions (2480) (by **squarefk**)
- [misc] Unify std::filesystem header (2478) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [opengl] Dump compute shader source code when print_kernel_llvm_ir is true (2479) (by **xndcn**)
- [metal] Fix randseedoffset_in_runtime_buffer (2477) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [Metal] Support pointer SNode on Metal (2441) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [wasm] Recover code (2476) (by **ljcc0930**)
- [AutoDiff] Automatically determine AdStack's size (2438) (by **xumingkuan**)
- [misc] Add checking of gitpython in cmake (2473) (by **xndcn**)
- [ci] Restrict slash-command-dispatch to PR only (2472) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [ir] Use SNodeTree to implement root (2449) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [Lang] Fix parameter conflict between ti.maybe_transform_ti_func_call_to_stmt() and ti.external_func_call() (2470) (by **squarefk**)


Full changelog:
- [ci] Fix docker caching issue (2468) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [ci] Separate Win build and test steps (2465) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [misc] Fix parameters' type. (2464) (by **ljcc0930**)
- [wasm] [aot] Support AOT on webassembly backend. (2461) (by **ljcc0930**)


Full changelog:

- [docker] Add twine installation in dockerfile (2458) (by **Jiasheng Zhang**)
- [WASM] Add set_root() for each WASM module (2429) (by **squarefk**)
- [ci] [docker] Build release with docker in ubuntu18.04 (2457) (by **Jiasheng Zhang**)
- [Metal] [Aot] Fix dumped runtime buffer size (2454) (by **Rachel Gu**)
- [Doc] Document lazy_grad() function (2456) (by **FantasyVR**)
- [misc] Update prtags.json to include aot (2455) (by **Rachel Gu**)
- [bug] Fix linux detection macro (2453) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [bug] Fix assertion failure when there is a redundant cast (2451) (by **xumingkuan**)
- Set process DPI awareness when detecting system version less than 6.3 (Windows 8.1) (2450) (by **Bob Cao**)
- [ir] [bug] Make control-flow graph take function call into account (2448) (by **xumingkuan**)


Full changelog:
- [ir] [bug] Skip test_template (2444) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [metal] Always initialize root SNode ListManager (2443) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [metal] Separate kernel utils and AOT utils (2440) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [ir] Add more comments to CFG optimizations and analyses (2437) (by **xumingkuan**)
- [Metal] Make Aot module dumps buffer size (2431) (by **Rachel Gu**)
- [ir] Support BLS in control-flow graph and add docstrings in build_cfg (2412) (by **xumingkuan**)
- [Lang] [refactor] Separate runtime and root initialization (2424) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [ci] Moved windows build & test to github action (2436) (by **Jiasheng Zhang**)
- [metal] Add 3-stage GC Metal kernels (2268) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [CUDA] [bug] Fix unified memory allocator when running on non-main thread (2427) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [CI] Fixed windows build & test (2434) (by **Jiasheng Zhang**)
- [ci] Trigger Build and Test (CPU) after the required checks (2435) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [Bug] Fix 'ti.get_addr' failures in async mode (2430) (by **Dunfan Lu**)
- [Lang] Add get_addr() to retrieve the buffer addr of an SNode (2426) (by **Dunfan Lu**)
- [IR] Fully deprecate trailing_bits (2422) (by **Kenneth Lozes**)
- [ir] Move infer_snode_properties out from StructCompiler (2420) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [doc] Add documentation for IndexExtractor (2416) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [Doc] Changed llvm-10 link and installation instruction (2419) (by **Jiasheng Zhang**)
- [wasm] [llvm] Support wasm with single thread (2415) (by **squarefk**)
- [ir] Add CHI Builder code examples (2383) (by **bx2k**)
- [ci] Remove travis configs (2414) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [opt] [bug] Simplify modulo POT (Stage 2) (2411) (by **xumingkuan**)
- [Bug] Fixed internal lagrangian forces (2413) (by **Saullo G P Castro**)
- [lang] Add override to fix compilation warnings (2410) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [ir] Make lower_scalar_pointer testable (2407) (by **Ye Kuang**)

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