Full changelog:
- [CI] Modified build.py to use token for all upload (2408) (by **Jiasheng Zhang**)
- [CI] Configured Jenkinsfile to support nightly test (2405) (by **Jiasheng Zhang**)
- [ir] Add random and atomic statements to IR Builder (2379) (by **bx2k**)
- [lang] Fix filesystem header not found on older GCC (2401) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [Metal] Make file names dumped from aot configurable (2402) (by **Rachel Gu**)
- [Misc] Fixed that mass_spring_3d.py do not exit on import error (2400) (by **Jiasheng Zhang**)
- [lang] Add tests for refine_coordinates (2382) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [CI] Simplified github CI procudure. (2399) (by **Jiasheng Zhang**)
- [CI] Support auto cancel workflows of previous commits (2397) (by **Jiasheng Zhang**)
- [CI] Recovered format check, add dependancy (2394) (by **Jiasheng Zhang**)
- [Opt] Optimize nested type casts (2390) (by **xumingkuan**)
- [type] [bug] Remove redundant component of bit pointer struct (2393) (by **Jiafeng Liu**)
- [CI] Add comment dispatch in pull request to support auto format (2392) (by **Jiasheng Zhang**)
- [Doc] Add more documentation regarding fast_gui (2385) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [metal] Fix Nonetype due to un-materialized runtime (2389) (by **Rachel Gu**)
- [Doc] Update developer installation doc regarding LLVM_DIR (2384) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [metal] Add AOT module builder for metal (2372) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [ir] Add nodiscard to get_loop_guard/get_if_guard (2377) (by **xumingkuan**)
- [vulkan] Add Vulkan API (2376) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [Lang] [ir] Consecutive indices for all snodes (2327) (by **Kenneth Lozes**)
- [Misc] Remove unnecessary scipy dependency in misc folder (2373) (by **Daniel**)
- [lang] Add AOT module interface (2364) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [metal] Fix metal f32 bug in the print buffer (2368) (by **Rachel Gu**)
- [Doc] Change installer for archlinux from yaourt to yay (2261) (by **liberix**)
- [CI] Added issue_comment.yml to handle PR reply triggered actions (2370) (by **Jiasheng Zhang**)
- [misc] Add CI tag (2371) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [Opt] Add error if bls analysis failed (2366) (by **Jack12xl**)
- [Misc] Modified build.py to better execute release (2365) (by **Jiasheng Zhang**)
- [lang] Fix serialization key value pairs (2363) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [Misc] Add test flag when releasing taichi (2362) (by **Jiasheng Zhang**)
- [Example] Improve stable fluids (2361) (by **Rachel Gu**)
- [lang] Remove serializer's variadic template API (2358) (by **Ye Kuang**)