- [doc] Update install.rst and Miscellaneous (1009) (by **Yuanming Hu**)
- [Lang] Improve error message for Matrix/Vector accessors (1013) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [doc] Minor improvements on basic concepts (997) (by **Xiao Zhai**)
- [Mac] [GUI] Fix bug due to View class name conflict (1012) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [Example] Make cornell box more authentic (1006) (by **Ye Kuang**)
- [opengl] Fix unwanted "used.int64_t = true" in KernelReturnStmt (1003) (by **彭于斌**)
- [opengl][refactor] refactor stuff into one "SnodeInfo" for better furture sparse support (993) (by **彭于斌**)
- [refactor][Lang] Unify SNode and Tensor meta data accessor in both Taichi&Python-scope (971) (by **彭于斌**)
- [gui] Use np.clip(_, 0, 1) to fix win display error (1005) (by **彭于斌**)
- [doc] Update basic concepts (996) (by **Yuanming Hu**)
- [doc] Document list generation (990) (by **Yuanming Hu**)
- [async] Optimization stage 1 (994) (by **Yuanming Hu**)
- [doc] Update utilities.rst (989) (by **Yuanming Hu**)
- [benchmark] Upgrade "ti benchmark" to use no net repo (981) (by **彭于斌**)
- [opengl][refactor] RangeSizeEvaluator -> KernelParallelAttrib to store more infomation (985) (by **彭于斌**)
- [IR] Add an IR cloning pass (991) (by **xumingkuan**)
- [doc] Add install.rst for installation troubleshooting (980) (by **彭于斌**)
- [refactor] Rearrange taichi/common and taichi/util. taichi/core is removed. (979) (by **Yuanming Hu**)
- [ir] [refactor] Remove operand_bitmap from Stmt (987) (by **Yuanming Hu**)
- [doc] Update the "contributing" chapter (978) (by **Yuanming Hu**)
- [IR][refactor] Convert loop_var into LoopIndexStmt (953) (by **xumingkuan**)
- [doc] Fix missing language fields in code-blocks (983) (by **Xuanda Yang**)