- API Changes. Using Range instead of (start, end) in the API and internals (`FileSlice`, `OwnedBytes`, `Snippets`, ...)
This change is breaking but migration is trivial.
- Added an Histogram collector. (fulmicoton) 994
- Added support for Option<TCollector>. (fulmicoton)
- DocAddress is now a struct (scampi) 987
- Bugfix consistent tie break handling in facet's topk (hardikpnsp) 357
- Date field support for range queries (rihardsk) 516
- Added lz4-flex as the default compression scheme in tantivy (PSeitz) 1009
- Renamed a lot of symbols to avoid all uppercasing on acronyms, as per new clippy recommendation. For instance, RAMDirectory -> RamDirectory. (fulmicoton)
- Simplified positions index format (fulmicoton) 1022
- Moved bitpacking to bitpacker subcrate and add BlockedBitpacker, which bitpacks blocks of 128 elements (PSeitz) 1030
- Added support for more-like-this query in tantivy (evanxg852000) 1011
- Added support for sorting an index, e.g presorting documents in an index by a timestamp field. This can heavily improve performance for certain scenarios, by utilizing the sorted data (Top-n optimizations)(PSeitz). 1026
- Add iterator over documents in doc store (PSeitz). 1044
- Fix log merge policy (PSeitz). 1043
- Add detection to avoid small doc store blocks on merge (PSeitz). 1054
- Make doc store compression dynamic (PSeitz). 1060
- Switch to json for footer version handling (PSeitz). 1060
- Updated TermMerger implementation to rely on the union feature of the FST (scampi) 469
- Add boolean marking whether position is required in the query_terms API call (fulmicoton). 1070