you to reindex your index (BlockWAND information are added in the skiplist).
The index size increase is minor as this information is only added for
full blocks.
If you have a massive index for which reindexing is not an option, please contact me
so that we can discuss possible solutions.
- Bugfix in `FuzzyTermQuery` not matching terms by prefix when it should (Peachball)
- Relaxed constraints on the custom/tweak score functions. At the segment level, they can be mut, and they are not required to be Sync + Send.
- `MMapDirectory::open` does not return a `Result` anymore.
- Change in the DocSet and Scorer API. (fulmicoton).
A freshly created DocSet point directly to their first doc. A sentinel value called TERMINATED marks the end of a DocSet.
`.advance()` returns the new DocId. `Scorer::skip(target)` has been replaced by `Scorer::seek(target)` and returns the resulting DocId.
As a result, iterating through DocSet now looks as follows
let mut doc = docset.doc();
while doc != TERMINATED {
// ...
doc = docset.advance();
The change made it possible to greatly simplify a lot of the docset's code.
- Misc internal optimization and introduction of the `Scorer::for_each_pruning` function. (fulmicoton)
- Added an offset option to the Top(.*)Collectors. (robyoung)
- Added Block WAND. Performance on TOP-K on term-unions should be greatly increased. (fulmicoton, and special thanks
to the PISA team for answering all my questions!)