*0.9.0 index format is not compatible with the
previous index format.*
Some `Mmap` objects were being leaked, and would never get released. (fulmicoton)
- Removed most unsafe (fulmicoton)
- Indexer memory footprint improved. (VInt comp, inlining the first block. (fulmicoton)
- Stemming in other language possible (pentlander)
- Segments with no docs are deleted earlier (barrotsteindev)
- Added grouped add and delete operations.
They are guaranteed to happen together (i.e. they cannot be split by a commit).
In addition, adds are guaranteed to happen on the same segment. (elbow-jason)
- Removed `INT_STORED` and `INT_INDEXED`. It is now possible to use `STORED` and `INDEXED`
for int fields. (fulmicoton)
- Added DateTime field (barrotsteindev)
- Added IndexReader. By default, index is reloaded automatically upon new commits (fulmicoton)
- SIMD linear search within blocks (fulmicoton)
How to update ?
tantivy 0.9 brought some API breaking change.
To update from tantivy 0.8, you will need to go through the following steps.
- `schema::INT_INDEXED` and `schema::INT_STORED` should be replaced by `schema::INDEXED` and `schema::INT_STORED`.
- The index now does not hold the pool of searcher anymore. You are required to create an intermediary object called
`IndexReader` for this.
// create the reader. You typically need to create 1 reader for the entire
// lifetime of you program.
let reader = index.reader()?;
// Acquire a searcher (previously `index.searcher()`) is now written:
let searcher = reader.searcher();
// With the default setting of the reader, you are not required to
// call `index.load_searchers()` anymore.
// The IndexReader will pick up that change automatically, regardless
// of whether the update was done in a different process or not.
// If this behavior is not wanted, you can create your reader with
// the `ReloadPolicy::Manual`, and manually decide when to reload the index
// by calling `reader.reload()?`.