* New: Use MaxMind GeoLite2 for IP address lookup.
* Note: The GeoLite2 database must be installed from the settings page.
* New: Check for Plex updates using plex.tv downloads instead of the server API.
* Note: Check for Plex updates has been disabled and must be re-enabled in the settings.
* New: More notification options for Plex updates.
* New: Notifications for concurrent streams by a single user.
* New: Notifications for user streaming from a new device.
* New: HipChat notification agent. (Thanks aboron)
* Fix: Username showing as blank when friendly name is blank.
* Fix: Direct stream count wrong in the current activity header.
* Fix: Current activity reporting direct stream when reducing the stream quality switches to transcoding.
* Fix: Apostophe in an Arnold quote causing the shutdown/restart page to crash.
* Fix: Disable refreshing posters in guest mode.
* Fix: PlexWatch/Plexivity import unable to select the "grouped" database table.
* Change: Updated Facebook notification instructions.
* Change: Subject line optional for Join notifications.
* Change: Line break between subject and body text instead of a colon for Facebook, Slack, Twitter, and Telegram.
* Change: Allow Mattermost notifications using the Slack config.
* Change: Better formatting for Slack poster notifications.
* Change: Telegram only notifies once instead of twice when posters are enabled.
* Change: Host Open Sans font locally instead of querying Google Fonts.