* Exporter:
* New: New exporter feature that allows you to export the metadata and images for any library, collection, playlist, or media item to csv, json, xml, or m3u8. Refer to the Exporter Guide in the wiki for more details.
* UI:
* Fix: Margin on the homepage activity and statistic/library cards. (Thanks dotsam)
* Fix: Movie ratings not showing on the info page for the new Plex Movie agent.
* New: Added ability to browse collections and playlists from the library and user pages.
* Change: Updated platform brand logos and colours.
* API:
* New: Added export_metadata, download_export, and delete_export API commands.
* New: Added get_collections_table, and get_playlists_table API commands.
* New: Added min_version parameter to the register_device API command.
* New: Added include_activity parameter to the get_history API command.
* New: Added sync_id parameter to the get_metadata API command.
* New: Added delete_synced_item API command.
* New: Added a stat_id and stats_start parameters to the get_home_stats API command.
* New: Allow deleting a mobile device using the registration device_id for the delete_mobile_device API command.
* Change: Return Plex server info and Tautulli info from the register_device command.
* Other:
* New: The Docker container is now also built for the arm32v6 architecture.
* New: The Docker container is also published to the GitHub Container Registry at ghcr.io/tautulli/tautulli.
* Change: Tautulli is now using a forked version of plexapi 3.6.0. This is to support the exporter feature while still maintaining Python 2 compatibility.
* Change: Updated systemd script to remove process forking. (Thanks MichaIng)
* Change: Cache GitHub update check on startup.